So I got fucked over for that job. Big time.
And for the first time in my life I'm not in the mood to bitch about it.
I'll explain, anyway.
It's actually pretty simple, but I don't know what to make of it. They said I had the job, and I got a call today saying that someone else was hired and undergoing a criminal record screening process before I even was talked to.
So they offered me a different job.
Somewhere ELSE.
I went from being an employee to a client in a matter of hours.
Like I said, pretty simple, but it pissed me off enough to not want to talk about it.
I'm not going to take the job they're offering me with someone else.
Why, you might ask?
Because I refuse to. It's humiliating, plus I'd be getting an entry level job that doesn't even come close to what I had. I don't give a shit if I'm the age where that's all I can get because, just like highschool, I'm above that. I can and will do better, and I won't settle for less just because of a paycheck and the end of my parents hassling me.
I hate even thinking about it. The more I think about it, the more I get frustrated and confused. So needless to say, for the first time in my life I don't feel like bitching. Shit, I'm not even sure if I enjoy pity that much.
I'm not pissed off at Rich, my "former" boss. Because he didn't even know someone else got hired. Doesn't make a lot of sense, but if he knew he wouldn't have made me come in.
I'm kind of pissed at my friend, but I shouldn't be. The only reason I am is because she'd mentioned something like, "My mother was planning on hiring someone herself, I think. But I'm glad you got the job, that's great." So I think her mother mentioned something to her at some point and that was her way of warning me, which I appreciate. It's miss-guided anger.
The one I'm mad at is her mother.
Her mother, who owns the company with the husband, told Rich to hire me for that specific job. She told ME that the Yonkers office was still open and that she was okay with me working there. Then, suddenly, she doesn't want me to have the job anymore. It's not that, though, that gets to me. The confusion is what gets to me. Questions are running rapant through my mind...
Rich Bonafede runs the Yonkers office. Why then, wasn't he told of someone else being hired?
Why did I have to get suckered into believing I was going to get a job I never had a chance at getting? Let alone by my FRIEND'S FAMILY?!
Why didn't the mother tell ME that when I told her on Friday that I was going to see Rich for "the job".
I don't understand whatsoever, and what I really don't understand is why in the Sam-Hell I wasn't hired for the job! I really want to know what the fuck changed her mind. Granted, it could have been the fact that she needed someone immeadiatly for the job and I took a month to get ready for it, but if that's the case the fact still remains that no one was told about someone else being hired.
IN-deed..... Fawk...
On a sidenote, my mother is apparently using my dog for was is called "Pet-Therepy". So I'm going to have words with her about that later on.
It's nothing serious, for those of you who don't know what it is. She has my dog go down to her office and sit in there during the session.
But I don't like it. My dog will not become an object of psychology or calming in the field of thereputics. I don't know her patients, all I know is that they have to pay a shitload of money to talk to a pudgy old woman about their problems. I know at least a couple of them are psychotic, I've had one come into my living room and just stare at me for 10 seconds before he realized he wasn't outside.
Alright, so today was one of the shittier days. Someone leave me a couple of replies, I need to cheer up. Pity is nice, but tell me something happy.
And for the first time in my life I'm not in the mood to bitch about it.
I'll explain, anyway.
It's actually pretty simple, but I don't know what to make of it. They said I had the job, and I got a call today saying that someone else was hired and undergoing a criminal record screening process before I even was talked to.
So they offered me a different job.
Somewhere ELSE.
I went from being an employee to a client in a matter of hours.
Like I said, pretty simple, but it pissed me off enough to not want to talk about it.
I'm not going to take the job they're offering me with someone else.
Why, you might ask?
Because I refuse to. It's humiliating, plus I'd be getting an entry level job that doesn't even come close to what I had. I don't give a shit if I'm the age where that's all I can get because, just like highschool, I'm above that. I can and will do better, and I won't settle for less just because of a paycheck and the end of my parents hassling me.
I hate even thinking about it. The more I think about it, the more I get frustrated and confused. So needless to say, for the first time in my life I don't feel like bitching. Shit, I'm not even sure if I enjoy pity that much.
I'm not pissed off at Rich, my "former" boss. Because he didn't even know someone else got hired. Doesn't make a lot of sense, but if he knew he wouldn't have made me come in.
I'm kind of pissed at my friend, but I shouldn't be. The only reason I am is because she'd mentioned something like, "My mother was planning on hiring someone herself, I think. But I'm glad you got the job, that's great." So I think her mother mentioned something to her at some point and that was her way of warning me, which I appreciate. It's miss-guided anger.
The one I'm mad at is her mother.
Her mother, who owns the company with the husband, told Rich to hire me for that specific job. She told ME that the Yonkers office was still open and that she was okay with me working there. Then, suddenly, she doesn't want me to have the job anymore. It's not that, though, that gets to me. The confusion is what gets to me. Questions are running rapant through my mind...
Rich Bonafede runs the Yonkers office. Why then, wasn't he told of someone else being hired?
Why did I have to get suckered into believing I was going to get a job I never had a chance at getting? Let alone by my FRIEND'S FAMILY?!
Why didn't the mother tell ME that when I told her on Friday that I was going to see Rich for "the job".
I don't understand whatsoever, and what I really don't understand is why in the Sam-Hell I wasn't hired for the job! I really want to know what the fuck changed her mind. Granted, it could have been the fact that she needed someone immeadiatly for the job and I took a month to get ready for it, but if that's the case the fact still remains that no one was told about someone else being hired.
IN-deed..... Fawk...
On a sidenote, my mother is apparently using my dog for was is called "Pet-Therepy". So I'm going to have words with her about that later on.
It's nothing serious, for those of you who don't know what it is. She has my dog go down to her office and sit in there during the session.
But I don't like it. My dog will not become an object of psychology or calming in the field of thereputics. I don't know her patients, all I know is that they have to pay a shitload of money to talk to a pudgy old woman about their problems. I know at least a couple of them are psychotic, I've had one come into my living room and just stare at me for 10 seconds before he realized he wasn't outside.
Alright, so today was one of the shittier days. Someone leave me a couple of replies, I need to cheer up. Pity is nice, but tell me something happy.
I'm afraid of clowns. I just think they're all child molesters hiding under freaky makeup...ick.