Work work work work work work work work work.
I've been working close to 70 hours a week the last two weeks. This week hasn't been much better. I already had 36 hours when I showed up to work this morning. But, I'm gonna take off a little early today and run errands. Only gonna work for a couple of hours tomorrow morning, just so that my brother in law can have most of the day off. Then no worky for saturday, sunday, OR monday!! I can't fucking wait. Gonna have a few people over on Friday afternoon, barbeque, beer, and a whole lot of bullshittin'.
Everyone have a good holiday!

I've been working close to 70 hours a week the last two weeks. This week hasn't been much better. I already had 36 hours when I showed up to work this morning. But, I'm gonna take off a little early today and run errands. Only gonna work for a couple of hours tomorrow morning, just so that my brother in law can have most of the day off. Then no worky for saturday, sunday, OR monday!! I can't fucking wait. Gonna have a few people over on Friday afternoon, barbeque, beer, and a whole lot of bullshittin'.
Everyone have a good holiday!

Technologically challenged and all.
Oh and Keith Whitton would be nice. Still want to see if I can get anything by him from you.