Well, I survived a shortened version of a workday, today.
Barely. My Sinus Nightmare has finally relaxed a bit. It's just a dull ache now, as opposed to that god-awful piercing white heat it replaced.
Still tired, going to make some early dinner and crawl in bed with a book.
Edited to say:
As much as I would like to write in my journal about my current concerns regarding my love life, I haven't because:
1) I don't think it's fair to air my dirty laundry, seeing as how another member is involved.
2) The last time I made a journal entry regarding the "situation", said member made me take it down.
3) Because not everyone can know all the little details, I'd hate for anyone to take some of my rantings, and form a picture or opinion of the other party that might be unfairly negative.
And since you can't erase this CPD...
While you are busy telling everyone about me ignoring you, why don't you throw in all the pertinent details. Like you ditching me saturday. And the fact you haven't called me since Friday. Just to be fair.
Barely. My Sinus Nightmare has finally relaxed a bit. It's just a dull ache now, as opposed to that god-awful piercing white heat it replaced.

Still tired, going to make some early dinner and crawl in bed with a book.

Edited to say:
As much as I would like to write in my journal about my current concerns regarding my love life, I haven't because:
1) I don't think it's fair to air my dirty laundry, seeing as how another member is involved.
2) The last time I made a journal entry regarding the "situation", said member made me take it down.
3) Because not everyone can know all the little details, I'd hate for anyone to take some of my rantings, and form a picture or opinion of the other party that might be unfairly negative.
And since you can't erase this CPD...
While you are busy telling everyone about me ignoring you, why don't you throw in all the pertinent details. Like you ditching me saturday. And the fact you haven't called me since Friday. Just to be fair.

I've never seen the movie.
Ahh...gotcha now.
Thank for the explination.
Think it's about time to update?....
Cause I would greatly appreciate it if you did...