From xenopus9


I am trying to get the pen pal group going again, if you are still interested, I am trying to moderate the group, I will definitely open the door for you.

From leemalee


Thank you so much for all the pink support 💗 I really appreciate all the love 😊 Still hoping it happens 

I have faith it will soon, your sets are amazing xxx

From bizkit


Hello you ^^!! Thank you for your support on my last set ♥

thanks again!! hope you will like my others pictures. See ya soon here ♥
Im sure they are going to be amazing, looking forward to seeing them. :)

From akari


Hey, love! Thank you so much for commenting on my new set, Victim of Changes!!! It was my best yet, and I'm so glad it got so much love, too! As always, I am so grateful for your support of my modeling! <3 I had no idea I'd come into such a loving community with open arms and lovely reception. Thank you so much!

Hi Akari, Thak you for your message and you are more than welcome. It is a wonderful set with a beautiful model, hope you have more sets soon. Totally love your chest tattoo it looks amazing, did it hurt much? Iv had tattoos but only my arms and legs. :)