My friends are so wonderful! Thanks so much for the bottle of red, the cuddly turtle (in bed with me right now, lucky turtle!) and the lovely company. A great (short) night was just what I needed!
So bum news is I'm going to have to delete this membership on SG and create a new one. I want to change my payments from quarterly to yearly, and thats the only way how to do it apparently. So it's gonna be a pain in the ass, but I'm going to have to add you all as friends again. I'm mostly upset that I'm going to lose all of my blog posts, I was using them like a diary! I havent had a diary since I was about 12, and I was really enjoying it (and the fact that I was expressing something other than my belief that I was the only girl who really deeply connected wth the cute quiet guy from Five!) ! I think I'll just copy paste them somewhere on my 'puter.
So things with my band Dum Viva Disco are coming along swimmingly! We are presently planning our launch for the video of 'Nothink', which will be held at the Judith Wright Centre on Thursday 18th October, and I expect you ALL to be there! And bring friends! We need an army!
It will be a very fun/strange/eclectic/mind-fuck/metamorphic night, with lots of gorgeously aesthetic and aurally pleasuring happenings. You would be a complete fucking smeghead to miss it.
I will be performing acoustically on the night. Long story short, we will not be performing together as Dum Viva Disco on the night, but instead performing solo and accompanying each other. There are reasons for this, which I will express later if I feel like it, but I for one am happy for this one-off opportunity to play some of my solo songs for you all! It has been a long time coming, and a journey that has been very frustrating for me at times, so this launch is a culmination of many things for me. I'm in a much better place right now (physically as well as spiritually!) and the wheels are in motion for me to head to where I've always wanted to be, to where I've always imagined I really AM, and where I belong.
There's a wonderful energy around my home right now. And I know its keeping watch too, especially since I just found out about half an hour ago that I left my straightening iron on ALL DAY (from 7am to 11pm), sitting on the carpet of my bedroom, and my room is still intact. The universe has my thanks (once again!)
Night night to you all. Getting up early tomorrow to drop Goldfish off at the airport, then going to have a look around the valley markets with my friend Lena. Anyone going to be in the valley? Buzz me if so!
Have to go to schleep, looking forward to it to as I am due some awesome kick-ass action dreams. They are my favourite
Love love xxx
So bum news is I'm going to have to delete this membership on SG and create a new one. I want to change my payments from quarterly to yearly, and thats the only way how to do it apparently. So it's gonna be a pain in the ass, but I'm going to have to add you all as friends again. I'm mostly upset that I'm going to lose all of my blog posts, I was using them like a diary! I havent had a diary since I was about 12, and I was really enjoying it (and the fact that I was expressing something other than my belief that I was the only girl who really deeply connected wth the cute quiet guy from Five!) ! I think I'll just copy paste them somewhere on my 'puter.
So things with my band Dum Viva Disco are coming along swimmingly! We are presently planning our launch for the video of 'Nothink', which will be held at the Judith Wright Centre on Thursday 18th October, and I expect you ALL to be there! And bring friends! We need an army!
It will be a very fun/strange/eclectic/mind-fuck/metamorphic night, with lots of gorgeously aesthetic and aurally pleasuring happenings. You would be a complete fucking smeghead to miss it.
I will be performing acoustically on the night. Long story short, we will not be performing together as Dum Viva Disco on the night, but instead performing solo and accompanying each other. There are reasons for this, which I will express later if I feel like it, but I for one am happy for this one-off opportunity to play some of my solo songs for you all! It has been a long time coming, and a journey that has been very frustrating for me at times, so this launch is a culmination of many things for me. I'm in a much better place right now (physically as well as spiritually!) and the wheels are in motion for me to head to where I've always wanted to be, to where I've always imagined I really AM, and where I belong.
There's a wonderful energy around my home right now. And I know its keeping watch too, especially since I just found out about half an hour ago that I left my straightening iron on ALL DAY (from 7am to 11pm), sitting on the carpet of my bedroom, and my room is still intact. The universe has my thanks (once again!)
Night night to you all. Getting up early tomorrow to drop Goldfish off at the airport, then going to have a look around the valley markets with my friend Lena. Anyone going to be in the valley? Buzz me if so!
Have to go to schleep, looking forward to it to as I am due some awesome kick-ass action dreams. They are my favourite

Love love xxx
So rockabilly 50's icon burlesque this friday night.. you still coming?
I didn't like having to eat in a restaurant by myself but the rest of it was ok.
Jewellery night sounds great.
I am thinking of going to do a jewellery course at TAFE.
I can spend way to much when I go bead shopping.
Hope to see you this weekend.