I've also noted a change in the energy within me and I've sensed that I've been less able than usual to tune into the energies surrounding me when meditating.
Within the last week I've also had small dizzy spells affect me at random, and whenever these happen I've been automatically (without conscious thought) telling myself that I'm spiritually in a new or higher place just haven't gotten used to the new vibrational field yet. It all puzzled me, like I'd been thrown upwards and my feet hadn't felt the ground yet.
So a lot was explained for me when I read the following excerpt from Karen Bishop's website:
August 5, 2007
"Greetings! There hasn't been too much change with the energies of late, and here is why: We experienced a mass clearing, then we arrived in a higher vibrating reality or dimension so to speak, and now we are living and being in this reality, but there has been no moving or active energy in this space as of yet.
Manifestations of our current space? Nothing appears to be happening, most of everything is being drawn out with no full creation or completion (or simply, taking forever!), supports seem to be gone, no one or not much of anything seems to show up for us, and there is really no sense of "connection" to Source. Why? Because we are now in a higher vibrating reality, and anything embodying any kind of energy or "life" needs a sufficient amount of time to connect to its new space or appropriate and best suited "partner" connection, so to speak.
This new and higher vibrating space involved expansion. When we vibrate higher or go to the higher realms, we must expand. We expand our consciousness, our perceptions, and even our physical reality. This is why we can feel like we are floating, dizzy, nauseas, feel sleepy, or a variety of other experiences. For Phil and I, one way this has manifested, is that we are now wanting to have a dual residency in a foreign country. Thus, we have expanded our territory, or our boundaries.
Because of this new expansion, we are all now needing to connect to some new and different things, identify what these are, and are now needing to wait for this process to be complete.
We are still in a limbo state, or on hold for awhile longer, in regard to moving forward. This can feel like suppression, but not depression. We cannot go anywhere, as there is nowhere to go yet. We are boxed in, cannot step outside of our boxes, and the doors are shut. We are, as always, waiting for as many as possible to catch up in regard to fully identifying and tweaking what we really and truly want.
Because of this, we can change our minds at any given moment. We may think that we want this or that, and then when it does not manifest, we may realize that what we really and truly want is something else instead.
And all is divine and perfect order, because when the energies again resume their active and forward movement, we will need to hold onto our hats. With the advent of September, we will once again be hit with a reality of instant and rapid manifestations, and we will barely be able to keep up with it all.
Another scenario is present as well, and this is simply a common occurrence with our ascension process. When the energies are "out," as they currently are, the light is then gone for a bit. This is what causes the feeling of being unplugged or dis-connected with no rudder or power. When the light is gone, the darker energies love to come out and play. There is no teacher in the classroom, and the mis-fits think that they have free reign.
This is actually a great thing, because when the light returns (or forward moving energies, etc.), it swoops up all the darker energies that have come to the fore-front and navigates them to where they need to be. The light ushers these energies somewhere else, as they cannot exist in a higher vibrating frequency.
So how can any darker energies exist here now, if we have just arrived in a higher vibrating reality? There are still darker and denser energies present, but as our spiritual evolutionary process progresses, as it will for awhile yet, these darker energies still exist, only there are fewer and fewer of them as we climb our evolutionary ladder. Fewer for us personally and as a whole, depending upon what rung of our evolutionary ladder each of us resides within.
We have progressed FAR. VERY FAR. And even though it may not feel like it in times like our current phase, this phase will pass and is just part of the process. And these phases of emptiness or discouragement become briefer and briefer, and fewer and far between, as we progress.
So now, with the higher energies "out" so to speak, the darkness is really up in certain ways. We can know this because there is a current theme of power struggles (as we can feel dis-connected or powerless when we are unplugged), as well as noticing the dark sides of those around us, instead of their gifts, talents, and soul level sides.
When the light is holding back for awhile, any denser or darker energies that are still present within us, can really get activated. And in return, we can really notice them is others, instead of focusing on the higher vibrating aspects of another.
Like energies always attract like energies, so when more darkness is present, it can really snowball. In addition, with no real connection to anything right now, people can begin to panic and thus, try and hold onto a pseudo or false power in order to feel safe and secure. This is when we can begin to grasp at straws. We can become tired of "waiting" for our true power to return, and make decisions and take actions that might make us feel in charge again, but ultimately, are not the best decisions.
So then, currently we can best be in alignment by waiting. The longer the energetic tide of light is out, the more fast and furious it is when it again returns. September will be an awesome month. The equinox will propel us forward once again (and there are two eclipses this month as well, as they will serve to ready us for the energies of September). For now, if we can enjoy and bask in our down time, knowing that all is in divine and perfect order, we can really feel great. Catch up on things that you didn't have time for before. Tap into a slower paced life of simplicity. Become involved with your creativity, as we know that creativity really connects us and places us in a space of higher vibrating reality. Be in the moment.
Get really clear about what you want, even though you may think it is not possible within the current systems that are present (try not to buy into what has been presented to us, but into what you really and truly desire). Know that miracles are ever present in the higher realms. Know that what you really want is indeed possible. Hold onto your dream. Know that these seemingly discouraging phases are always temporary, and are here to benefit the whole as they involve the masses catching up to the higher realms.
And know that waiting is part of our service to humanity, as we want as many as possible on board, as this planet needs to ascend as a whole, and we dearly love our brothers and sisters.
If you are feeling frustrated with others and with where you are right now, know that this is right and appropriate. We have progressed far, and at times it can be challenging not to be in a reality and space that we have longed for, for so very long. We are ancient beings indeed, and we can handle much more than we think we can. Remembering that we are leaders and at the fore-front, can help to remind us that we are the way-showers and thus, can easily set an example for the rest of the planet. We knew what we were getting into when we agreed to become a part of the ascension plan. And we knew we could handle it all as well. It was all our idea, remember?"
Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times.
Until next time,
Karen Bishop
So people, the message here is that while we are floating around in our quiet spaces right now we should be thinking about and planning what we truly want, because we're gonna hit the ground running in September! The energies around us are gonna be having a field day, so it's best to jump on board and utilize it for all its worth!
Anything you want to happen for you, September is the month!
I'm making some pretty big plans already hehehe
Oh, and another interesting (and totally unrelated) sidenote:
Do you think you could have passed this 8th grade exam taken from 1895?
And I think our world would be much better off if that was the calibre of test our 8th graders where sitting instead of the "What colour is the sky?", "What shape is the Earth?" kind of dumbed-down bullshit they're allowed to coast by on these days.