Welcome to my first blog!
What a fantastical weekend! I had two good friends over on friday night for drinks and girly chat, met some amazing new friends on Saturday night at a dress-up party where people wore their underthings on the outside, drank some intriguingly-named cocktails, had fun with knives, and managed to get a good dose of both Harry Potter and Buffy (the latter being a new vice that I am sheepishly accepting)
Hell, even cleaning massacred corn from Crispins kitchen walls became the basis to a new musical we are writing set in the roaring twenties, about the highs and lows of life as a cinema candy-shop attendant on board the ill-fated Hindenburg (entitled 'POP! Corn.')
So, anyone remember The Munch Bunch?

It's been popping into my head all day. Just the term 'The Munch Bunch'.
"What will I have for lunch?"
The Munch Bunch.
"Did I remember to print those shelf tickets for Tony?"
The Munch Bunch.
"If I'd never had visual access to a vast and unending starlit night sky, would I have succombed to a pressure-pot sociological environment where dreams and beliefs of infinite possibilty are deemed foolishness?
...The Munch Bunch.
I would be Barnabus Beetroot. Who would you be?
Aubrey Aubergine
Adam Avocado
The Banana Bunch
Barnabus Beetroot
Billy Blackberry
Bounce (spring onion)
Button and Tiny (mushrooms)
Casper Carrot
Chunky Pineapple
Corky Coconut
Dick Turnip
Eddie Eggplant
Emma Apple
Lizzie Leek
Lucy Lemon
Merv Marrow
Nurse Plum
Olly Onion
Pedro Orange
Pete Pepper
Penny Parsnip
Percy Prune
Pippa Pear
Professor Peabody
Rory Rhubarb
Rozzy Raspberry
Runner Bean
Sally Strawberry
Scruff Gooseberry
Spud (Potato)
Supercool (cucumber)
Suzie Celery
Tom Tomato
Wally Walnut
Zack Zucchini
P.S New friends please message me your moby numbers!
What a fantastical weekend! I had two good friends over on friday night for drinks and girly chat, met some amazing new friends on Saturday night at a dress-up party where people wore their underthings on the outside, drank some intriguingly-named cocktails, had fun with knives, and managed to get a good dose of both Harry Potter and Buffy (the latter being a new vice that I am sheepishly accepting)
Hell, even cleaning massacred corn from Crispins kitchen walls became the basis to a new musical we are writing set in the roaring twenties, about the highs and lows of life as a cinema candy-shop attendant on board the ill-fated Hindenburg (entitled 'POP! Corn.')
So, anyone remember The Munch Bunch?

It's been popping into my head all day. Just the term 'The Munch Bunch'.
"What will I have for lunch?"
The Munch Bunch.
"Did I remember to print those shelf tickets for Tony?"
The Munch Bunch.
"If I'd never had visual access to a vast and unending starlit night sky, would I have succombed to a pressure-pot sociological environment where dreams and beliefs of infinite possibilty are deemed foolishness?
...The Munch Bunch.
I would be Barnabus Beetroot. Who would you be?
Aubrey Aubergine
Adam Avocado
The Banana Bunch
Barnabus Beetroot
Billy Blackberry
Bounce (spring onion)
Button and Tiny (mushrooms)
Casper Carrot
Chunky Pineapple
Corky Coconut
Dick Turnip
Eddie Eggplant
Emma Apple
Lizzie Leek
Lucy Lemon
Merv Marrow
Nurse Plum
Olly Onion
Pedro Orange
Pete Pepper
Penny Parsnip
Percy Prune
Pippa Pear
Professor Peabody
Rory Rhubarb
Rozzy Raspberry
Runner Bean
Sally Strawberry
Scruff Gooseberry
Spud (Potato)
Supercool (cucumber)
Suzie Celery
Tom Tomato
Wally Walnut
Zack Zucchini
P.S New friends please message me your moby numbers!
I would be Casper Carrot. Not sure why, but I'm hoping it's something you just 'know'
Pray tell me how Buffy goes, I too have fallen victims to the you have to watch this'.