Leaving Brisbane in the morning. Currently feeling rather sentimental and emotional about it all, although I've been dying to move to Melbourne for a long time.
I'm so nostalgic looking across the neighbourhood and my city view. But it all feels quite empty at the same time; I am definitely ready to be somewhere new to create more awesome friendships and experiences.
This blog is the most wonderful snapshot in time. <3
I thought perhaps you might've been posting a few photos here, with the beautiful shoots you've been doing on twitter. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
Kyle is making me a roast. I made pink cupcakes. I have a glass of red. I have just been offered an awesome job with a great package, and have an interview for another awesome opportunity on Thursday.
OMG!!! The People's Republic of Glorious Nation of Heal street is falling apart!!
Part of me is really sad that Heal St is going to be missing a crucial Jen ingredient but part of me is obscenely excited for you and knowing that I've got someone else to visit in Melbourne
So stoked for you and the job!!
Miss you horrendously. Did you tackle Kyle and chant "drive away, drive away" for me yet?
I got sent an email from SG saying that an 'anonymous friend' paid for a 3mth membership. Such a ploy, but I figured what the hey, I'll jump on for 3 months.
Awww - I miss you so much too babe. Btw, if you post comments here, people may never read them. You need to post them in people's journals so they know you're talking to them!
My friends are so wonderful! Thanks so much for the bottle of red, the cuddly turtle (in bed with me right now, lucky turtle!) and the lovely company. A great (short) night was just what I needed!
So bum news is I'm going to have to delete this membership on SG and create a new one. I want to change my payments from quarterly to... Read More
Murder most sweet, an incoherent deliciousness of drowning in ones guilt, only to be reborn from the cuts of the daggers of self-pity, however unrelated, driven into themselves in a path of wayward determination and benevolance, freeing the one within to truly understand and love the divine infinite truth.
And that, folks is how much better I am actually feeling right now!
I have not actually been to an Ikea store in over 7 or 8 years. It scares me and I try to avoid it, apparently quite successfully. Is it really worth the effort?
It's been a horrible day... I'm stuffing up left right and centre, I can't concentrate, I missed out on many hours of well-needed sleep, I'm feeling a lack of love and a lack of snuggles, and to top it all off I HATE it when I focus on the negatives.
But now that that's all out, its a fantastic... Read More
Its amazing how good a new summer dress can make you feel!
Even when it's not really Summer, and the weather outside isn't really even pretending to be Summer (overcast today, with sprinkles of rain which I still find delightful!). Theres just something so gorgeous about lightweight, pretty, flowing dresses. Oh I cant wait until it warms up a little so I can wear them... Read More
I'm a PC guy, so no garageband for me. Protools instead.
Yep. I went in the end. It was a really good night. But it ended badly for me. Maybe I'll elaborate later though, because I'm not sure I want to think about it now.
I thought perhaps you might've been posting a few photos here, with the beautiful shoots you've been doing on twitter. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
Much love x