Wow, this place looks a lot different since I have last been here. 2013 was both an amazing, and difficult year - but I am finally getting my life back together. One piece at a time. Sept 16th I checked into an in-patient rehab (for the first time ever) and I was there for 30 days (plus detox too) I graduated on Oct 18th and since then my life has been amazing. I am clean for the first time - ever... I was addicted to heroin for 7 years, and thought there was no way out. I was wrong. Life in recovery is fabulous and I am keeping busy with counseling, NA meetings, my sponsor - and doing all the regular little things that "normal people" do - So which I forgot about for the last 7 yrs. So I apologize to everyone for not being around so much the past few years.... It was a very tough time for me. I am back now though! If I can figure out this new wacky lay-out. Maybe I will take some new pics someday when/if I ever get internet and a camera. lol.
That's awesome, good for you..keep it up!
I remember when I was a new member of SG as a teenager and I would see your photo and admire you and think how gorgeous, beautiful, sexy you are. So I thought I'd look you up to see that profile photo again and I was pleasantly surprised to see a relatively recent blog :) It's nice to learn more about your life and it's really nice to hear you seem to be having some sort of metamorphosis if you would call it that, or if not that then at least feeling strong, positive and like you want more from life than to just peace out with a drug. Lots of love, gorgeous goth woman, it's so nice to see a long gone OGSG blogging, it really is :) <3