Whoa, I am overdue for an update. I want to make sure my one main mutual sg fan will be able to have some updated xtina info.... lol... so here you go hexfix93
But the past 2 years of my life have been *WAY* beyond crazy and one SHITFUCK of a rough ride.... with a few good fleeting moments but spiked mostly with terrible memories, unbelievable debt and some items that are way too personal for the internet. take my word that it's gruesome and you probably don't want to know.
Basically, I made it out alive. But I got into a serious car accident (the damage to ME wasnt serious, but my car wouldve cost 8000 to fix... so NO more car. Also I got evicted the first time in my life, so now back at home..... Still engaged to my man, trying to concoct a Halloween wedding but not much time to plan, and certainly no money... lol. But our 5 yr relationship is only 2 weeks away sooooooooooooooo... we shall see
I have been avoiding all humans the entire year, I am just way to fucked up right now in the head to be around people and make friends/handle friends. Plus I owe everyone and their moms (and my moms) money.... so I just feel like my tail is permantly between my legs. So if anyone that reads this I owe money too - I am soooooooo sorry. It was never my intent to borrow money then total my car, get evicted, and lose my job and be out of work for THIS long... since March 31st...... i promise i can do something to make it right, just not now.... I am trying to even walk in a straight line the right way at this time in my life. heh. I feel like I am 15 again.
Right now I am working at a kick ass haunted house, and ill have to post a few pictures.. I just redyed my hair black... well blue black. Believe it or not, on my 2 year absense from SG blogging, my hair was all platinum blonde (totally not my usual color, but really really enjoyed it) but now I am back to black!
Over and out, this is the most personal info I have posted in years.... little bits at a time girls... hehehee
Here is a few pics to make it sassier...

And maybe if I am feeing super social later this week, I will upload a bunch of my Haunted pictures... they are iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinsane. You just wait!
Ok ok, I maybe did get another sweet one with my favorite sweet chicken hen I love to hold and kiss and feed that lives right by me
here it is!!!

Basically, I made it out alive. But I got into a serious car accident (the damage to ME wasnt serious, but my car wouldve cost 8000 to fix... so NO more car. Also I got evicted the first time in my life, so now back at home..... Still engaged to my man, trying to concoct a Halloween wedding but not much time to plan, and certainly no money... lol. But our 5 yr relationship is only 2 weeks away sooooooooooooooo... we shall see
I have been avoiding all humans the entire year, I am just way to fucked up right now in the head to be around people and make friends/handle friends. Plus I owe everyone and their moms (and my moms) money.... so I just feel like my tail is permantly between my legs. So if anyone that reads this I owe money too - I am soooooooo sorry. It was never my intent to borrow money then total my car, get evicted, and lose my job and be out of work for THIS long... since March 31st...... i promise i can do something to make it right, just not now.... I am trying to even walk in a straight line the right way at this time in my life. heh. I feel like I am 15 again.
Right now I am working at a kick ass haunted house, and ill have to post a few pictures.. I just redyed my hair black... well blue black. Believe it or not, on my 2 year absense from SG blogging, my hair was all platinum blonde (totally not my usual color, but really really enjoyed it) but now I am back to black!
Over and out, this is the most personal info I have posted in years.... little bits at a time girls... hehehee
Here is a few pics to make it sassier...

And maybe if I am feeing super social later this week, I will upload a bunch of my Haunted pictures... they are iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinsane. You just wait!
Ok ok, I maybe did get another sweet one with my favorite sweet chicken hen I love to hold and kiss and feed that lives right by me

That pink lipstick is great though.