L.A. was the fucking shit! I had suuuuch a fun time! I got in around midnight Friday night, and got picked up by the super cute Aries. I was so shocked she was soooo tiny, but so very cute. We went to her friends house and I got to meet Jsin who was also really cute and nice. We had some jelloshots and watched Monkeybone and I passed out. Then Saturday we woke up and got ready, and drove to where Missy was shooting the girls. The first person I got to see there was Stormy!!! yay, I was soo excited to meet her. We hugged forever. Then I got to see Nixion, Alexis, Fractal, and Lola. All so sweet. We gave Bettina, Snow, and Brandy a ride back, and then stopped by HeadQuarters. I got to see Katie there and give her a little doll. More drivng around, then some yummy lunch at LaLa's. We got this awesome bread with olive oil dip..mmm. Fractal came with us and loved it as well. Also I got to meet two friends Ive talked to for years but never got to meet, Lynz and Jen. They were both little sweethearts. After the lunch we got told that filming was actually going to start around 5 that night, so we went right to the studios. Turns out we were the first 3 girls there, so it's all good! We talked to the director about the videoand then Missy, Sean, and rest of the girls came. It was so surreal to be around every girl, everyone looks even hotter in real life. I was so happy to see Miss Amina too
We left there around 9, and went to this huge mall on Hollywood Blvd. It was like, 5 stories high I think and it was half openair. I drooled in the MAC store but didn't buy anything. We were there for a while then we went to the Hustler store... Damn, so much great shit there. I loved it! Later we just went back to her house and relaxed, had a few more jello shots. Then a friend called me to hang out, he was in LA and wanted to have a few drinks, so he called a cab over for me. It was really nice. The cab driver was strange and didn't speak English but its allright. Once I got there I hung out for a while. We even saw the HBO commerical!!!! YAY!!! We hung out until 7am, and Aries came to get me we went right to the video shoot. I couldn't believe I didn't even sleep. But I know if I tried to sleep even a couple hours I wouldnt be able to wake up by 7. So I just winged it and stayed awake. I still made it through the day dancing and shakin my blood... hehehe. I got to meet my darling Rose first thing when I got there. I was really excited to meet her and we were instant friends. We tried to find a chicken sandwhich but instead just talked alot and hid a lot, and tried to sleep, didnt succeed though. She did succeed in looking super hot in her outfit and being such a sweetie. I am so thankful I met her, it was awesome! Erin looked so cute too
In fact everyone did, I loved it! We did a lot of shooting, lotssss of dancing... it was a blast but tiring. Dave Grohl was really nice, and down to earth. And Lemmy was the shit. I think the video is going to come out great, I can't wait to see! Hmmm what else, we were there until about 9, when we finished up we got some food and just went back to crash. I slept soo good, then I woke up at 7am and got ready, took a bus, and caught my flight. I was so tired on my flight that I fell asleep when we were boarding and then opened my eyes I thought we were still boarding but we were in the air and I was halfway home, fuck! All in all it was a really fun time, and I met some supernice girls! I have a shit ton of pictures to upload later. But thank you to all the girls for being sweeties, especially Aries for helping me get here and housing me... you rule I love you, and everyone else I love you too!
More later, expect pix!

More later, expect pix!
well, i like the food and some of the people, bbut i am definately glad i left. i do miss ma family though. i have nieces and nephews that is gettin sooo big!
speaking of getting big, when will you have another set up? i miss looking at you!i hope you are doing great because you rawk and totally deserve it.
what kind of doll did you get katie?
i can't wait to see the pics!
Luv Sinn