Here is a current pic, my teacher curled my entire head, so check it out!!!
* So, I dont know if I really want to get into it all....
but I have been unemployed (by choice) for over 3 weeks now... but today I started at my new job, and already I have been seriously sexually harassed, and today I fucking lost my money I made. I can't believe it. I made $43 in tips, and lost a $10 bill. Now, you might say "its just ten dollars", but.... when you havent had any income in 3 weeks, ten dollars is gold! Plus, it was a quarter of what I made all night! Ugh. then I got really emo and had a couple tears because I was so frusterated and disappointed, and my new boss made fun of me for crying. NICE!
* Also, I just started school a month ago too.. I am going to Cosmetology school fulltime, and I am fucking kicking ass, so that is great. It just sucks having to wake up so early... I am used to sleeping til Noon... I am the oldest girl in the class (wah) but umm I am doing pretty awesome. I have like a 98% average. Its just a major shock to me, I have graduated school 7 years ago, and to have to get back into a schedule, studying, waking up early, paying attention, tests, quizzes..... plus with the stress of training at a new job, holy fuck. im going mental
* Certain people have backstabbed me, and made much drama in my life. I lost a few friends this summer....
Some were REALLY close.... but ya know what, I am too old for drama, so fuckign save it for someone else. Slut...
* I made a new friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He fucking rocks. I've actually been a fan of his since I was like, 16, 17? I am 25 now.... we just started talking. He makes me really happy. I hope to meet him someday..... *hi bryan!!!*
Really having a new friend is the fucking bomb. Its really refreshing... And oh, he told me I am a cusp Pisces./Aries and that solved a mystery for me, cuz I always thought I wasnt a true pisces... well thats why!
Trene went live, and is now an Official SG... I love that bitch, and we have plans to hang soon, yay!
* I think I am taking a cruise in Feb..... to 4 different Carribean islands from NYC... hells yes
* My wishlist has been pointed out to me that it is majorly outdated.. I made it 4 yrs ago when I first joined SG, it even had my old address on it and shit... so I updated it for 2007, and it rocks now. If anyone wants to cheer up a pouty and grumpy Scarlett -
Indulge me, go nuts!!!!
(just kidding, i dont expect a single person to, except maybe you Harald!!!) If I only got one thing off that wishlist, it would be either the gold Gucci purse, or the purple and black Versace sunglasses, or um the Xbox 360, SWEET .... nothing like Gucci and Xbox.
Okay, something else awesome, is that I have the next 3 days OFF....
Sunday Im hanging with a cute& fun girl from school, we are gunna do naughty things
Monday I am going to King Richards Faire with Jon and an old friend from high school!
Tuesday - no plans! sleeping
Ok, well time to poke bryan, hes not talkin :p

* So, I dont know if I really want to get into it all....
but I have been unemployed (by choice) for over 3 weeks now... but today I started at my new job, and already I have been seriously sexually harassed, and today I fucking lost my money I made. I can't believe it. I made $43 in tips, and lost a $10 bill. Now, you might say "its just ten dollars", but.... when you havent had any income in 3 weeks, ten dollars is gold! Plus, it was a quarter of what I made all night! Ugh. then I got really emo and had a couple tears because I was so frusterated and disappointed, and my new boss made fun of me for crying. NICE!
* Also, I just started school a month ago too.. I am going to Cosmetology school fulltime, and I am fucking kicking ass, so that is great. It just sucks having to wake up so early... I am used to sleeping til Noon... I am the oldest girl in the class (wah) but umm I am doing pretty awesome. I have like a 98% average. Its just a major shock to me, I have graduated school 7 years ago, and to have to get back into a schedule, studying, waking up early, paying attention, tests, quizzes..... plus with the stress of training at a new job, holy fuck. im going mental
* Certain people have backstabbed me, and made much drama in my life. I lost a few friends this summer....

* I made a new friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He fucking rocks. I've actually been a fan of his since I was like, 16, 17? I am 25 now.... we just started talking. He makes me really happy. I hope to meet him someday..... *hi bryan!!!*

Trene went live, and is now an Official SG... I love that bitch, and we have plans to hang soon, yay!
* I think I am taking a cruise in Feb..... to 4 different Carribean islands from NYC... hells yes
* My wishlist has been pointed out to me that it is majorly outdated.. I made it 4 yrs ago when I first joined SG, it even had my old address on it and shit... so I updated it for 2007, and it rocks now. If anyone wants to cheer up a pouty and grumpy Scarlett -
Indulge me, go nuts!!!!

Okay, something else awesome, is that I have the next 3 days OFF....
Sunday Im hanging with a cute& fun girl from school, we are gunna do naughty things
Monday I am going to King Richards Faire with Jon and an old friend from high school!
Tuesday - no plans! sleeping

Ok, well time to poke bryan, hes not talkin :p
sucks you lost money, i got you some wish-list gifts hope it makes up..
but you make it cool, you talk to me and no one else will or does...
thank you so much..