Hi Lo, thanks for the note ...sorry to hear about being at odds with your practice. I'm travelling back and forth between Toronto and AZ. Its challenging to practice when I'm in Toronto using the mini-gohonzon and no sgi friends... I shokabuku''d (sp) several of my close friends so we have a little sub-cell of buddhas that hang together. You know the deal-e-o.
btw - makes me smile to see Harold and Maude on your movie list...
Yo, excuse the delay. Well it sounds like you don't let it get you down which is awesome, because if I were in your shoes I don't know if i could have the same attitude towards it.
Anyways, I have to dash off again, seyahhh!! xx
btw - makes me smile to see Harold and Maude on your movie list...
Anyways, I have to dash off again, seyahhh!!