Today was a day of all days...
I am making work friends. I feel like I'm in high school again. Doesn't it feel that way, these forced social situations. I'm making it sound so much worse than it is aren't I?
They all seem pretty cool, I guess. It's nice to share things about myself (and vice versa) that feel "new" and exciting, you know, breaking the social cherry. It's a little scary at first, but your curious, your excited, you are anticipating, and then you are unsure of yourself...and then it's fucking awesome and you can't shut up.
Especially when you have a lot in common with someone, even though you have rare interests.
Now I'm gushing. I guess that's another side effect of new things. Gushing. Spewing. Errupting.
Is it weird that I'm more concerned with being accepted than I ever was in high school... which was not at all... This aspect is definitely new for me. I got invited out for lunch with the younger, hipper women. It was like being first picked for baseball.
I'm psyched to be making some cash finally. It actually pays not bad. I have my own desk, my own phone. I'm good with that.
Answer me this:
How does one go about having an intervention with a very depressed chronic pothead friend? We're trying to figure out the best course of action, as the person is only isolating more and more, to a big degree. Let me know what you guys think.
Incidentally, and maybe you'll think this is insensitive, but, only because I'm a fucking scatter brained ADD person...
Does anyone remember the episode of the Golden Girls when Stan is making a ton of money from his "Sporny" (the hot potato peeler) and trying to buy Dorothy back by getting her and Sophia crazy expensive things?
And he gets her a car with the liscence plate "POTHEAD" because potato head wouldn't fit. Damn. that's a good memory. Carry on.
I am making work friends. I feel like I'm in high school again. Doesn't it feel that way, these forced social situations. I'm making it sound so much worse than it is aren't I?
They all seem pretty cool, I guess. It's nice to share things about myself (and vice versa) that feel "new" and exciting, you know, breaking the social cherry. It's a little scary at first, but your curious, your excited, you are anticipating, and then you are unsure of yourself...and then it's fucking awesome and you can't shut up.
Especially when you have a lot in common with someone, even though you have rare interests.
Now I'm gushing. I guess that's another side effect of new things. Gushing. Spewing. Errupting.

Is it weird that I'm more concerned with being accepted than I ever was in high school... which was not at all... This aspect is definitely new for me. I got invited out for lunch with the younger, hipper women. It was like being first picked for baseball.
I'm psyched to be making some cash finally. It actually pays not bad. I have my own desk, my own phone. I'm good with that.
Answer me this:
How does one go about having an intervention with a very depressed chronic pothead friend? We're trying to figure out the best course of action, as the person is only isolating more and more, to a big degree. Let me know what you guys think.
Incidentally, and maybe you'll think this is insensitive, but, only because I'm a fucking scatter brained ADD person...
Does anyone remember the episode of the Golden Girls when Stan is making a ton of money from his "Sporny" (the hot potato peeler) and trying to buy Dorothy back by getting her and Sophia crazy expensive things?
And he gets her a car with the liscence plate "POTHEAD" because potato head wouldn't fit. Damn. that's a good memory. Carry on.

How does one go about having an intervention with a very depressed chronic pothead friend? We're trying to figure out the best course of action, as the person is only isolating more and more, to a big degree. Let me know what you guys think.
sounds like me when i was a teen .. i got off the pot & found out that i had add & was bp .. the thc masked that since i was constantly high.
i kept to myself a lot because i was socially inept & lacked the skills to interact with others .. i had to force myself to make friends .. that was the easy part considering opening up & keeping them was a much harder thing to do .. i guess being let down and abandoned one to many times gave me trust issues
anyway .. i'm much better now but i still hate people & don't descrimnate ... i'm a equal opportunity hater
i wuv u
but seriously .. you need to get in their face if you really care about them .. bc they're so messed up that they don't even know .. good luck .. tis gonna be tough
Sorry it is so terribly belated.... but thank you for the comment on my set!