Holy fuck! It's been a couple weeks...What's been going on you ask?
Here goes;
Friday, Sept.30-Arcade Fire...HOLY CONVERSE SNEAKERS BATMAN! Other than the guy with horrible BO sitting next to my best friend, it was amazing! They have so much energy! They love what they do, and it shows. Probably the best concert I've seen this year. There was a really drunk dude dancing at the stage, he was doing the white guy point, and the satan fingers think, you know what I'm talking about, I don't remember what it's called but ANYWAY, we were on the second balcony and it was like a bad accident, we couldn't look away!
My computer access is limited right now because my friends asshole ex decided to buy her out of her share of the computer, and pick it up. Bastard. Darrell and his roommate are going to shop this weekend for one. Bah!
So I had a severe allergic reaction to the medication they gave me for my ear infection. Yeah, that was fun. What else...Booked a site for the social. It's a Winnipeg thing...Basically a big party with prizes. Like a fund raiser for weddings. It's brilliant. Wedding shit wedding shit and more wedding shit. God, I should just elope. So that's been my week or two. HOW'S EVERYBODY????
Also, I got this as a late birthday gift! By far my favorite gift!
Here goes;
Friday, Sept.30-Arcade Fire...HOLY CONVERSE SNEAKERS BATMAN! Other than the guy with horrible BO sitting next to my best friend, it was amazing! They have so much energy! They love what they do, and it shows. Probably the best concert I've seen this year. There was a really drunk dude dancing at the stage, he was doing the white guy point, and the satan fingers think, you know what I'm talking about, I don't remember what it's called but ANYWAY, we were on the second balcony and it was like a bad accident, we couldn't look away!
My computer access is limited right now because my friends asshole ex decided to buy her out of her share of the computer, and pick it up. Bastard. Darrell and his roommate are going to shop this weekend for one. Bah!
So I had a severe allergic reaction to the medication they gave me for my ear infection. Yeah, that was fun. What else...Booked a site for the social. It's a Winnipeg thing...Basically a big party with prizes. Like a fund raiser for weddings. It's brilliant. Wedding shit wedding shit and more wedding shit. God, I should just elope. So that's been my week or two. HOW'S EVERYBODY????

Also, I got this as a late birthday gift! By far my favorite gift!

pshaw, honey...everyone wants to be adored 

thanks for the support...i really needed it