Someone is leaveing porn all over portland... Now mind you this is not professional quality porn. This is some guy with a hard on, and a small dick, and a Polorid camera. It's one of the new polorid ones, not the izone, the other one.. I use to sell them..

I found the frist photo in the Safeway parking lot. I even picked it up...
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4 days with parent in the same house? Ugggghhhh.. I make mine get a hotel!! Bravo for you, you are a brave, brave soul. wink

Kind of funny about the photo's, even funnier that you find so many. Perhaps they are left for your eyes only? robot


the rain makes me feel gloomy today. Wish I did not have to work.
That is hilarious. When I was 12 I was flashed by a guy riding a red mopad in a baseball field. I thought it was funny...
p.s. You are beautiful miao!!
Blessings ~G~
Strang things are a foot...

The first indication of the end has happened, My Parents are getting along... Speaking even. Being nice to eachother.

I can't recall the last time they where even civil. It's sorta creepy, in a this should never happen way.

Seems that my small "problem" has oddly bond them into a peace accord.
I'm skeptical on how long this can all...
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mmmm... boo berry...
cherish the parents being civil. my parents haven't been together for (calculating) oh about, 18 years, and they still bicker about each other even though they never talk beyond "can i talk to shannon" "yeah" - and thats it.

kind of childish, but i love em.
I would love to go on and on about something happy or funny, but I don't really have anything like that to go on and on about.

Monday I got the news. I can't go to school next term, and with out an act of god, I won't be going back untill I'm 25.

Fin. Aid finally stopped jerking me around and made up their...
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I know..its a pain in the ass, the school thing. If things dont work out, take the opportunity to just....relax. See whats going on around you and in the world, and use the time you have off from school to do something you never thought you'd have time for. I got caught up in the same problem when I was 21, and was able to reasses my sitution with the extra time. Cliche ridden, I know, but you'll be 25 faster than you realize. In the end, I saved up a little cash, grabbed my camera, and drove around Southwest America meeting people and taking pictures. Just make sure you go back to school when you get the chance!

[Edited on Feb 20, 2004 6:31PM]
I'm sorry about your schooling. that really sucks. I know what it's like to have a dream and want that for your life and then have to make due with what really happens. I hope things get better!
I could try and give words to the events of friday the 13th, But they don't exist in this world. They would sound like shhoulgmlek if I said them out loud.

Today I have pig tails. I thought It would help with tips tonight. I think it did, but also some old hispanic man asked, " are you the dessert with my order, I'll make...
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Curse you and your comments on your cute hair and not photo's to show for it!!!! tongue

So I take it you work in the service industry? I was a bartender for 9 years. Oh the stories I could share. Sweet lord....

But that is a pretty good one.

I hope you had a good V day/evening inspite of comments about your dessert like qualities. Just think how much better the comments had been if they had come from someone you thought was hot. Oh well...

The cat and ferrets's sound happy. Hope you are too.

dont you love how the guys that usually spout off comments like that are disgusting or old?

then you get the jack asses that think they're gods gift to women. whatever

anyway, it's good to hear your ferrit is taking everything so well. im sure beating on the dogs helps her out too. miao!!
Today I made up my mind, I'm done.

In the last few years I've wasted too much o fmy time and energy on people who don't give a damn.

I walked away from them for good. I don't wanna be buddies anymore, I don't wanna be social, or civil. I just wanna be done.

One buddie told me off when I told her to grow...
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Ahhh yes the drama that drives youth. Gets old and tiring, some get tired of it sooner than others. Some never get tired of it and stay drama driven their whole lives. God, I dump their lame whiney asses off at the next stop.

Good for you.

Shows a wonderful strength of character and wisdom/maturity. All very attractive qualities wink

If they are not willing to give you don't need it. Too many freaking self absorbed, entitlement driven, takers... I don't wany anything to do with any of them. Seems you are finding that you don't either.

i agree on one hand. people need to grow up about certain things. on the other hand, you don't want to grow up COMPLETELY. it's too hard to be grown up all the time, too stressful. smile

my kitty is like that too. he'll come up and start biting my hair. he's not very suave when it comes to getting attention. miao!!
When I was Nine my father grounded me for watching Star Wars...

No phone, no freinds, no TV, no music, only school and my room.

For Six weeks, nothing...

I wasn't mad, and I didn't argue when he said it. You can't argue with someone who is not rational. It was utterly insane, there was nothing I could say.

My dad wasn't alarmed by the...
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Couldn't have said it better myself...
Sorry tried and send you a picture but, i suck at this computer stuff. Have a nice day. Force be with you!

[Edited on Feb 12, 2004 2:19PM]
I thought I was done crying... I am not.

I think a few people are fed up with me, and my moodyness of late. "It's just a pet they say, it'll be ok." But really it's not just that, Zack was part of my life.

I hand fed him for 2 years. I personally gave him 3 diffrent medications twice a day for most of...
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First Question:
You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?

Answer: If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second!

Try not to screw up in the next question.
To answer the second question, don't take as much time as you took for the first question.

Second Question: If you overtake the last person, then you are..?

Answer: If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST person?!

You're not very good at this are you?

Third Question: Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only. Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.

Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10. What is the total?

Scroll down for answer..

Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100.

Don't believe it? Check with your calculator! Today is definitely not your day. Maybe you will get the last question right?

Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. What is the name of the fifth daughter?

Answer: Nunu?
NO! Of course not. Her name is Mary. Read the question again
I'm sorry. frown I lost my kitty Wiggs last summer. frown
I still cry for her every so often. She was 15, but
she was still a kitten to me. ooo aaa
My Ferret died last night...

Zackary slipped away sometime yesterday evening, his little body gave in, and said it was tired...

Said is was tired fo life, tired of fighting his IBS. He left softly in his sleep, in his blankey tube, that I made him
I whent to pick him up, he was cold. All of a sudden I couldn't look, and I could...
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sorry bout yr loss
so sorry... i feel for you...
Another day, another $50 bucks in the hole. My Bompu (AKA Grandpa) use to say that all the time. I'm startin' to get it.

I feel like my whole body is covered in glue, I've been working on this project for class, making a pair of shoes that can support me, made out of only paper and glue. It's gettin' sticky.

I've been really busy...
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Project sounds kinda cool... being covered in glue doesn't, actually I can think of worse things to be covered in!

My Grandpa used to say..... pass me another cigar, now shut up and let me watch wrestling....not quite the same is it!!

I want a pair of those shoes... maybe you should market them when your done.... sounds like a good way to make 50 bucks to me biggrin

Take care

Sin xx
My grandfather's phrase was, "if you hang long enough, you get used to anything." He never clarified, but I always pictured one of those guys chained to the dungeon wall with a beard to his knees.

Women's 14. Wow, a size larger than my ex-wife. She was OBSESSED with shoes, go figure. I guess we always want what we don't have.
Life is uneventful, mostly.

Thank god for small wounders. Many sorrys for the last sorta dramtic post, I didn't mean to leave it that way. It just sorta was.

On that note I haven't heard from Brandon, I didn't think I would. Katie said she would try to track him down this week, let me know if he needed a jacket or shoes. These are...
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Heh, cats. My ex girlfriends cat would lay across my neck as I was sleeping. Woke up with a cat belly scarf around my neck. Now I am sure the cat loved me and all, but I did wake up first thing every morning sneezing. Oh yeah.. good times.
Sometimes, staying home and cuddling your cat is just what you need to make everything ok... I think you should try it more often. smile