In todays news my buddies shot a hole threw the wall of the mens bathroom at my work.
I walked into work, where he sits, pale and shaky speaking with a less then enthusiastic sheriff.
When I finally get the story I can't help but laugh.
Apparently he was in the bathroom, and his gun slipped out of its holster.
He quickly attempts to grab it and re holster is when the world exploded in his ears.
Just like that while he is about to sit on the john, the gun goes off, putting a whole threw the bathroom wall, and into the aluminum frame. I guess some guy was pretty close to it, and freaked out a little, and it could have hit a co-worker as well.
All in all my buddies was horribly shook up. It seems really unbelievable. I didn't eve know he carried a gun, it's so crazy....
After work some really horrible person left horrible ain't female bible quotes on my car, it was only on my car... How odd is that?
Anyway this new brief it over, I'm going to bed.
I walked into work, where he sits, pale and shaky speaking with a less then enthusiastic sheriff.
When I finally get the story I can't help but laugh.
Apparently he was in the bathroom, and his gun slipped out of its holster.
He quickly attempts to grab it and re holster is when the world exploded in his ears.
Just like that while he is about to sit on the john, the gun goes off, putting a whole threw the bathroom wall, and into the aluminum frame. I guess some guy was pretty close to it, and freaked out a little, and it could have hit a co-worker as well.
All in all my buddies was horribly shook up. It seems really unbelievable. I didn't eve know he carried a gun, it's so crazy....
After work some really horrible person left horrible ain't female bible quotes on my car, it was only on my car... How odd is that?
Anyway this new brief it over, I'm going to bed.

scary shit.
bible quotes on your car?? Odd... why? WHY GOD WHY???
true story: someone i work with, when we were in afghanistan, accidently shot his rifle off in the dining facility, accidently fired a machine gun on full auto into the ground right in front of someone's foot, and blew up a portion of a guard tower when he accidently set off a Claymore mine.