I taught myself to knit.
I'm pretty proud of myself. I made a hat, granted its not the coolest or best hat in the world. But I made it, all by myself, just me and my hands.
I'm going to try and make a scarf now. I bought the book Stich 'n' Bitch. I really like it, the book is very helpful and has some great patterns. so very happy!
Also I bought , "My G-string Mother" is all about Gypsy Rose Lee, it's written by her son Eric. It's pretty damn good.
Other then that I don't have much eles to report. everything is good!
I'm pretty proud of myself. I made a hat, granted its not the coolest or best hat in the world. But I made it, all by myself, just me and my hands.
I'm going to try and make a scarf now. I bought the book Stich 'n' Bitch. I really like it, the book is very helpful and has some great patterns. so very happy!
Also I bought , "My G-string Mother" is all about Gypsy Rose Lee, it's written by her son Eric. It's pretty damn good.
Other then that I don't have much eles to report. everything is good!

he he knitting is fun
i tried to learn but i dont have the patience..youll have to nit me something some time
lol my bro knits and is constantly bombarded with orders from friedns i dont htink hes made soemthing for him slef yet lol
I've herd the coolest things about Stich 'n' Bitch
thanks fro adding me as a friedn i love making new friends

i used to knit, but i never knew how to do anything besides make a scarf or something