Well no date on the dreads yet, pretty much Miss Mary said to just give her a ring and its a green light.
I just need about $200 with a tip for Mary, thats not to bad or as bad as I thought it was gonna be. Just might take me a week or so to save it up. But it's well worth it.
I will post photos ASAP when the dreads are done, and not crappy phone ones like my profile. Cross my heart and hope to die, or something like that.
In other new, my mother is here. Things have been ok, I'm on edge with her sorta still. I think maybe I've let go of alot of anger.
Ten years ago, maybe even five would have laughed at anyone who said I wouldn't be an angry bitter adult. I had my heart set on it, I was armed with all the awful rotten things that anyone anywhere ever did to me. I was such a victim, I made real victims feel sorry for me.
One day though, I woke up, looked around me and realized. I didn't wanna be that girl. She was horrible,
This weekend has showed my I have come a very very long way, But man I have along way to go. But thats ok
Anyway, things are good. I'm overly happy about my dreads. I miss them like I'd miss an arm. On maybe not, but well yeah you get the point.
I just need about $200 with a tip for Mary, thats not to bad or as bad as I thought it was gonna be. Just might take me a week or so to save it up. But it's well worth it.
I will post photos ASAP when the dreads are done, and not crappy phone ones like my profile. Cross my heart and hope to die, or something like that.
In other new, my mother is here. Things have been ok, I'm on edge with her sorta still. I think maybe I've let go of alot of anger.
Ten years ago, maybe even five would have laughed at anyone who said I wouldn't be an angry bitter adult. I had my heart set on it, I was armed with all the awful rotten things that anyone anywhere ever did to me. I was such a victim, I made real victims feel sorry for me.
One day though, I woke up, looked around me and realized. I didn't wanna be that girl. She was horrible,
This weekend has showed my I have come a very very long way, But man I have along way to go. But thats ok

Anyway, things are good. I'm overly happy about my dreads. I miss them like I'd miss an arm. On maybe not, but well yeah you get the point.

Glad to hear it is going well for you.