Strang things are a foot...
The first indication of the end has happened, My Parents are getting along... Speaking even. Being nice to eachother.
I can't recall the last time they where even civil. It's sorta creepy, in a this should never happen way.
Seems that my small "problem" has oddly bond them into a peace accord.
I'm skeptical on how long this can all last...
Oh, to clear up some questions, e-mailed to me. I am an duel Art major, Drawing, painting, and printmaking / Graphic design, with an art history minor. (thinking i'll cover all my bases, would love to be an Inker, or work in restoring art).
Anyway, the school thing still stand, I'm trying a long shot to get a loan for next term. but i haven't got my fingers crossed or my hopes up. I dont wanna get let down again.
thanks for all the kind words and support, and the e-mails. It's given me one of the gushy squeek emtions.
In other news, boo berry cereal is damn good, with out milk.
Thats about all to report, I have feet like Leela.. we both can't wear womens sizes.
The first indication of the end has happened, My Parents are getting along... Speaking even. Being nice to eachother.
I can't recall the last time they where even civil. It's sorta creepy, in a this should never happen way.
Seems that my small "problem" has oddly bond them into a peace accord.
I'm skeptical on how long this can all last...
Oh, to clear up some questions, e-mailed to me. I am an duel Art major, Drawing, painting, and printmaking / Graphic design, with an art history minor. (thinking i'll cover all my bases, would love to be an Inker, or work in restoring art).
Anyway, the school thing still stand, I'm trying a long shot to get a loan for next term. but i haven't got my fingers crossed or my hopes up. I dont wanna get let down again.
thanks for all the kind words and support, and the e-mails. It's given me one of the gushy squeek emtions.
In other news, boo berry cereal is damn good, with out milk.
Thats about all to report, I have feet like Leela.. we both can't wear womens sizes.

kind of childish, but i love em.