Life is uneventful, mostly.
Thank god for small wounders. Many sorrys for the last sorta dramtic post, I didn't mean to leave it that way. It just sorta was.
On that note I haven't heard from Brandon, I didn't think I would. Katie said she would try to track him down this week, let me know if he needed a jacket or shoes. These are things I can get to him threw a chain of people. Hopefull her report will be glowing. That was meant with a sarcastic bite.
Things are normal, routine here.
It's nice. I think, at least for now.
I did however go see "Bigger then Jesus"Rick Emerson's one man show about rock music. I was blown away it was fuckin great, and if I had money to go next weekend I would. If you live in portland, everyone should go.
Rather good time... Afterward we hit the Mockcrest tavern, ans it just so happens to be my favorite bar of all time.
One of our buddies girlfreinds was so rude to the bartender (who I consider a buddie). I almost threw up. He was VERY busy, the bar was standing room only due to a very popular band.
He had gone out of his way to take care of our table, he knows most of us pretty well, and he takes extra good care of us. I must have told him "I'm so sorry" a hundered times. I just don't understand how people can be like that, it makes me ill.
I'll go back this week, and by him a drink, and say I'm sorry another hundred times.
I'll feel bad about it for weeks.. ack.
Today has been slow... Mostly hung out cuddled with my cat, watched more buffy.
Still working on getting a new pic, for my photo thing.
and thats about it...
Thank god for small wounders. Many sorrys for the last sorta dramtic post, I didn't mean to leave it that way. It just sorta was.
On that note I haven't heard from Brandon, I didn't think I would. Katie said she would try to track him down this week, let me know if he needed a jacket or shoes. These are things I can get to him threw a chain of people. Hopefull her report will be glowing. That was meant with a sarcastic bite.
Things are normal, routine here.
It's nice. I think, at least for now.
I did however go see "Bigger then Jesus"Rick Emerson's one man show about rock music. I was blown away it was fuckin great, and if I had money to go next weekend I would. If you live in portland, everyone should go.
Rather good time... Afterward we hit the Mockcrest tavern, ans it just so happens to be my favorite bar of all time.
One of our buddies girlfreinds was so rude to the bartender (who I consider a buddie). I almost threw up. He was VERY busy, the bar was standing room only due to a very popular band.
He had gone out of his way to take care of our table, he knows most of us pretty well, and he takes extra good care of us. I must have told him "I'm so sorry" a hundered times. I just don't understand how people can be like that, it makes me ill.
I'll go back this week, and by him a drink, and say I'm sorry another hundred times.
I'll feel bad about it for weeks.. ack.
Today has been slow... Mostly hung out cuddled with my cat, watched more buffy.
Still working on getting a new pic, for my photo thing.
and thats about it...

Heh, cats. My ex girlfriends cat would lay across my neck as I was sleeping. Woke up with a cat belly scarf around my neck. Now I am sure the cat loved me and all, but I did wake up first thing every morning sneezing. Oh yeah.. good times.
Sometimes, staying home and cuddling your cat is just what you need to make everything ok... I think you should try it more often.