Oh what a night.
It was great to meet all of you, I had an amazing time.
Thanks to Raia for spreading her pleasure of spilling beer on eveyrone's heads,
Thanks to Ayane for wearing my bra so perfectly well,
Thanks to Fixmer for stealing my beer-soaked shirt,
Thanks to Gooz for being so goddamn sexy in his corset,
Thanks to Nya for the candies (still haven't eaten them, I'm either keeping them as a souvenir, or trying to sell them as pills)
Thanks to Amartya for smashing a cake with me and protecting me from my +1 when she tried to have me kill myself.
Thanks to Xmasboy for telling me about his shaving habits.
And last but not least, thanks to Sunghost for the organisation.
If I forgot anyone, I'm sorry. Then again you shouldn't really care.
If you ever do, put me on your fucklist, we could negociate something.

PS: The pics suck, but they're in the folder anyways.)
tu viens aussi l'apro demain? cool!