Thanks to @chef @starphire and @nitecrawler420 for tagging me! I'm late as usual but whatever. Love you guys <3
1. Do you like blue cheese? Oh yeah, gimme all da cheeses! I have feta on my grocery list currently
2. Coke or Pepsi? Coke for sure or if I'm feeling fancy vanilla coke
3. Do you own a gun? No, but there are guns in my home
4. What flavor Kool-Aid? Don't drink the kool-aid!
5. What do you think of hot dogs? I actually had pigs in a blanket for dinner the other night haha
6. Favorite TV show? WESTWORLD!! Who else watches and how good was the second season finale?! That last scene!!
7. Favorite Movie? I'm going to say all the Harry Potter movies because I watch them over and over again. They give me warm fuzzies inside. Also I feel like I should mention Idiocracy because I love that movie, it seems to be evermore relevant and I ran into a couple people this week who have never seen it. Highly recommended.
8. What do you drink in the morning? Many cups of coffee with a little sugar and a lot of cream
9. Can you do a push up? Sure, I can do *a* push up lol
10 Favorite jewelry? Hmm, I'm not a big jewelry fan. A lot of days I wear zero jewelry, or only my wedding rings
11. Favorite hobbies? Reading everything I can get my hands on, playing ukulele, cooking and baking (and eating), hanging out with my dog
12. Do you have A.D H.D.? Nope
13. Do you wear glasses? Yep, since I was 11
14. Favorite cartoon character? Jessica Rabbit
15. Three things I did today? Made coffee, walked my dog and gave an insulin shot to a cat my husband and I are petsitting for - poor thing gets a shot twice a day!
17. Three things you drink regularly? Coffee, water & black tea
18. Current dislike? How much hatefulness is out there - the world needs more loving kindness
19. Favorite place to go? to bed; and outside on my front porch when it's pouring rain with a packed bowl
20. How did you bring in the New Year? I went to a 20's themed party with a taco bar and drank jack and cokes and there was a balloon drop at midnight. It was pretty neat.
21. Where would you like to go? Oh everywhere. Australia, London, Ireland, Japan and in the US it'd be cool to try to visit every state at some point.
22. Name five people who will do this? @shadowbard @glass42 @klausbuben @merryboudoir @lord_renob
23. Favorite color? Green - baby puke, 70's couch, pea soup kinda green
24. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Are there people who are all "I *hate* satin sheets!"? Sometimes other people's pickiness surprises me. I'm pretty go with the flow.
25. Can you whistle? No! And I still try to but just can't seem to do it *cries*
26. What are you doing right now? Sitting at my laptop with Antman playing on my TV in the background. I like Paul Rudd.
27. Would you be a pirate? Only in Neverland or somewhere low stakes like that
28. Favorite food? Oh man, I just love food and to cook in general. I love baking chocolate chip cookies or biscuits and eating them right out of the oven. I love a good steak with a baked potato. I make a whole lot of tacos, enchiladas, and nachos and never seem to get tired of them. I have no interest in learning how to make sushi so I enjoy that a lot when I go out to eat.
29. Last thing that made you laugh? My husband making silly jokes
30. Last time you received flowers? Again, husband :) He brought some home for me a couple months ago just because he knew I was having a bad day
31. Most recent injury? The last couple have been burning myself while cooking (pretty minor)
32. How many pets are in your house? One dog, but if I won the lotto I'd probably have a large pack of pugs running around my back yard
33. Worst pain ever? Loss of a love one *same answer as the person I copy/pasted this from bc it's true* worst physical pain I can remember is probably severe migraine pain.
34. Do you like to dance? Hell yeah - I regret being so self conscious about dancing when I was younger, I should have done it more.
35. Are your parents still alive? My mom is; my dad passed away 3 years ago this fall
36. Do you love your life? Absolutely, I feel very grateful for my life
37. Summer or Winter? Winter
38. How many grandchildren do you have? No children yet so no grandchildren
39. Car or Van? Small SUV
40. People Person? Yes and no. I love people, but am slow to warm up and need my space too lol.
Thanks for reading!