Control freaks
and money hungry pigs
taking over everything
not out of care of concern, no no.
its all about the $
little do they realise how many they shall lose as a result of this.
In turn losing much more $ than they tried to gain or sue for in the first place
its a pity
even I am ashamed I was ever a contender
and still am at this moment
How can one even try to own an identity
How can one be so nasty and careless to the ones that got them where they are in the first place
its disgusting
I am glad I never went further, like I once wanted to, and always ment to.
I am glad i knew better before it was too late.
its almost as if they wanted to take peoples freedom and own their souls.
I am so very dissapointed at them for this
not that they care
and not that they ever shall until it hits them in their income.
and it shall.
for the scum shall be slaves and serve and the goddesses shall rise above.
every action causes a reaction.
and now its time for them to be honest and take responsibility for their actions and how they wronged all around them as a result.
For shame
shame on them.
Let the art be shared - let the wings of the goddesses and their gods who capture their essence flow amongst the rivers of adoring audiences in the pure beauty that it is meant to be.
Not that lake of scum and filth these nasty creatures have tried to row it down.
Lets stop this before it gets worse, and what is left of such beauty is tainted.
it is in our control
its time to take action!

and money hungry pigs
taking over everything
not out of care of concern, no no.
its all about the $
little do they realise how many they shall lose as a result of this.
In turn losing much more $ than they tried to gain or sue for in the first place
its a pity
even I am ashamed I was ever a contender
and still am at this moment
How can one even try to own an identity
How can one be so nasty and careless to the ones that got them where they are in the first place
its disgusting
I am glad I never went further, like I once wanted to, and always ment to.
I am glad i knew better before it was too late.
its almost as if they wanted to take peoples freedom and own their souls.
I am so very dissapointed at them for this
not that they care
and not that they ever shall until it hits them in their income.
and it shall.
for the scum shall be slaves and serve and the goddesses shall rise above.
every action causes a reaction.
and now its time for them to be honest and take responsibility for their actions and how they wronged all around them as a result.
For shame
shame on them.
Let the art be shared - let the wings of the goddesses and their gods who capture their essence flow amongst the rivers of adoring audiences in the pure beauty that it is meant to be.
Not that lake of scum and filth these nasty creatures have tried to row it down.
Lets stop this before it gets worse, and what is left of such beauty is tainted.
it is in our control
its time to take action!