Oh Such Fun!
Lots of fun and excitement of late.
A little too much at times...
Parklife was awsome, goose were really good live and scratch perverts went off, fucking awsome, good friends, good ingestives good times, good laughs, great memoriesi love those kind of dance festivals, and outside events and concerts... also went to Marilyn Manson the other week, another brilliant performance and experience that was, despite Marilyns constant spitting on the crowd, yuk, i tried to spit back at him, hahaha, I was right at the front near the stage, we got some really good pics and videos of it all, but damn his spitting, gggrrr, how rude..
Heres me and Kaz. and Adam and I at the MM Concert;-

And the Spazzys were the support band for Marilyn Manson, what a crock! Jibbed I tell you! Jibbed!!!!! that was absolute torture, I dont get that band, why do they even bother, they are officially the worst performers I have ever seen, why anyone would waste their time listening to or seeing this crap band I have no idea, seriously, damn oxygen theives, really put a downer on it all unfortunately and apparently they shall be the support band when NIN tours Aus, thats fucked, im not happy about that at all. neither was the audience, see;-

Then I had Motorhead concert as well the other week, man those guys rock out!!!!!! got to love them.. Everything louder than everything else, one of the best concerts I have ever been to for sure...
And next week I have Butterfingers, that should be good, Butterfingers are always a great act live. looking forward to that...
My cat had kittens, they are cute, of course, but one was born with one eye, its kind of cool, and kind of freaky, but I kind of like it, its other eye just didnt develop properly so the lid is closed over, it doesnt look yuk or bad or anything, I like it because its obscure, so I named it Cyclops of course. I think I may keep that one.
I think I have insomnia back pretty bad, I thought it had stopped there for a while, it always seems to come back, I wish i could sleep easily and for long periods of time for once, one day.. I try to run myself down to exhaustion, it doesnt seem to work... I think its the hours I work - odd hours, althrough the night thru to the morn on the weekends and then day hours a few days during the week, I think that may effect it...
Things are pretty dandy indeed for me at the moment, I am liking where things are at in my life, I am happy and comfortable, I love my job and the people I work with and work for, various promo and modelling and performance opportunities seem to be quite fruitful at present, I am mainly surrounded by good quality, kind hearted adorable people that I treasure.. And I may be starting to actually take a few to my fancy.. which I thought would have been almost impossible for me.. but that is the least of my prorities at the moment.
Well another weekends past, babysitting the herd of punters, few drama's and what not, quite drained after this weekend actually, looking forward to getting the next 2 short days of work out the way and time for well deserved R&R.. bless
heres a pic of me Kaz & I out at the pub the other night;-
and thus is life

Lots of fun and excitement of late.
A little too much at times...
Parklife was awsome, goose were really good live and scratch perverts went off, fucking awsome, good friends, good ingestives good times, good laughs, great memoriesi love those kind of dance festivals, and outside events and concerts... also went to Marilyn Manson the other week, another brilliant performance and experience that was, despite Marilyns constant spitting on the crowd, yuk, i tried to spit back at him, hahaha, I was right at the front near the stage, we got some really good pics and videos of it all, but damn his spitting, gggrrr, how rude..
Heres me and Kaz. and Adam and I at the MM Concert;-

And the Spazzys were the support band for Marilyn Manson, what a crock! Jibbed I tell you! Jibbed!!!!! that was absolute torture, I dont get that band, why do they even bother, they are officially the worst performers I have ever seen, why anyone would waste their time listening to or seeing this crap band I have no idea, seriously, damn oxygen theives, really put a downer on it all unfortunately and apparently they shall be the support band when NIN tours Aus, thats fucked, im not happy about that at all. neither was the audience, see;-

Then I had Motorhead concert as well the other week, man those guys rock out!!!!!! got to love them.. Everything louder than everything else, one of the best concerts I have ever been to for sure...
And next week I have Butterfingers, that should be good, Butterfingers are always a great act live. looking forward to that...
My cat had kittens, they are cute, of course, but one was born with one eye, its kind of cool, and kind of freaky, but I kind of like it, its other eye just didnt develop properly so the lid is closed over, it doesnt look yuk or bad or anything, I like it because its obscure, so I named it Cyclops of course. I think I may keep that one.
I think I have insomnia back pretty bad, I thought it had stopped there for a while, it always seems to come back, I wish i could sleep easily and for long periods of time for once, one day.. I try to run myself down to exhaustion, it doesnt seem to work... I think its the hours I work - odd hours, althrough the night thru to the morn on the weekends and then day hours a few days during the week, I think that may effect it...
Things are pretty dandy indeed for me at the moment, I am liking where things are at in my life, I am happy and comfortable, I love my job and the people I work with and work for, various promo and modelling and performance opportunities seem to be quite fruitful at present, I am mainly surrounded by good quality, kind hearted adorable people that I treasure.. And I may be starting to actually take a few to my fancy.. which I thought would have been almost impossible for me.. but that is the least of my prorities at the moment.
Well another weekends past, babysitting the herd of punters, few drama's and what not, quite drained after this weekend actually, looking forward to getting the next 2 short days of work out the way and time for well deserved R&R.. bless
heres a pic of me Kaz & I out at the pub the other night;-

and thus is life