A Grand Performance Indeed!
at times thats what it seems life is
constantly your on show...
forever people only see what you choose to project...
In most cases its our ego above most..
Ego isnt always a bad thing. its our protector, its our defense, it looks after you and keeps you safe...
well at least it seems too.
though at times sadly the ego can be the curse of our life..
I am yet to understand why a person would want themself percieved as something that they not..???????...
something that is untrue to themself, they are denying themself, their will, their own desires, as a result their general happiness.
I understand the ego mask, unfortunately alcohol seems to easily induce my alter ego, which is not a character about myself I am proud of at all..
But the false impressions of your own character, the fact that people truly want others to believe they are something they are not, do they not realise that in that case the friendships built are based on bullshit, and its not even you they know or like if you were not yourself from the begginning, this I cant understand, why people would even bother wasting their time to be something they are not..
Although I say what I think, not what I think people want to hear, which at times does not always work to my benifit I must admit...
The best saying the wisest man I know has ever quoted (My Father):-
Its a simple but effective motto to live by, and it works for me...
Maybe its me that has the wrong perception here. but in my eyes its seems basic logic and common sense is almost extinct amongst our generation...
thus is life.

at times thats what it seems life is
constantly your on show...
forever people only see what you choose to project...
In most cases its our ego above most..
Ego isnt always a bad thing. its our protector, its our defense, it looks after you and keeps you safe...
well at least it seems too.
though at times sadly the ego can be the curse of our life..
I am yet to understand why a person would want themself percieved as something that they not..???????...
something that is untrue to themself, they are denying themself, their will, their own desires, as a result their general happiness.
I understand the ego mask, unfortunately alcohol seems to easily induce my alter ego, which is not a character about myself I am proud of at all..
But the false impressions of your own character, the fact that people truly want others to believe they are something they are not, do they not realise that in that case the friendships built are based on bullshit, and its not even you they know or like if you were not yourself from the begginning, this I cant understand, why people would even bother wasting their time to be something they are not..
Although I say what I think, not what I think people want to hear, which at times does not always work to my benifit I must admit...
The best saying the wisest man I know has ever quoted (My Father):-
Its a simple but effective motto to live by, and it works for me...
Maybe its me that has the wrong perception here. but in my eyes its seems basic logic and common sense is almost extinct amongst our generation...
thus is life.

It would be a nicer world if people could break free of that and be more honest and open about who they are... I guess that happens one person at a time, though.