god what a bad week
ive been having troubles with my neighbor for the past couple of weeks. ive only actually met him once and ever sinse then he's been knocking at my door every night, he'll knock really loud then start yelling shit at my door then finally give up and come over the next night and do the same thing. a couple days ago he came knocking drunk and and very very loud, one of my other neighbors called the police on him
so yeah he stopped coming over lol.
so yeah anyways... Krissy and I are going to the Bahamas for a couple of days this weekend
couple pics of the hotel
and ofcorse things are going bad already
im sick ive been sick for the past couple of days. I passed out at work yesterday
that kinda sucked lol.
got taken to the hospital, they gave me an IV, said i was dehydrated... they ran a shit load of tests, took some blood i was there for fucking 4 hours
but im feeling better today

ive been having troubles with my neighbor for the past couple of weeks. ive only actually met him once and ever sinse then he's been knocking at my door every night, he'll knock really loud then start yelling shit at my door then finally give up and come over the next night and do the same thing. a couple days ago he came knocking drunk and and very very loud, one of my other neighbors called the police on him

so yeah anyways... Krissy and I are going to the Bahamas for a couple of days this weekend

couple pics of the hotel

and ofcorse things are going bad already

im sick ive been sick for the past couple of days. I passed out at work yesterday

got taken to the hospital, they gave me an IV, said i was dehydrated... they ran a shit load of tests, took some blood i was there for fucking 4 hours

but im feeling better today

and bahamas ain't that bad in that season,is it?
enjoy the trip, away from the neighbour