Tuesday Nov 15, 2005 Nov 15, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email so how was everones day? mine went very slow, nothing new at work. bought a new tripod for my camera beautiful night tonight its raining right now but its supposed to snow tonight yucky snow! VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS nexttuesday: are you freezin yet cuz i sure as hell am! sometimes i wonder why i live here. Nov 16, 2005 nexttuesday: yeah ive moved a couple times but always end up coming back for one reason or another. sigh wisconsin is totally a black hole. yea i thought it was neat that another chick from burlington was on here so I thought Id whine about the cold with ya for a minute lol. Nov 16, 2005
yea i thought it was neat that another chick from burlington was on here so I thought Id whine about the cold with ya for a minute lol.