I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and have fully recovered. I went to Seattle with my boyfriend to see his parents and finally visited the Space Needle.
We also went here:
The Seattle Central Library which put every library system in Georgia to shame. They had a very impressive collection.
We made a trip out to Tacoma and went to the Museum of Glass.
Museum of Glass
I love glass as a medium; it definitely made me want to take some classes on glass blowing when I have some spare time. (which I fear will be never) but it's in the back of my mind to do when I get the opportunity.
We also went here:

The Seattle Central Library which put every library system in Georgia to shame. They had a very impressive collection.
We made a trip out to Tacoma and went to the Museum of Glass.
Museum of Glass
I love glass as a medium; it definitely made me want to take some classes on glass blowing when I have some spare time. (which I fear will be never) but it's in the back of my mind to do when I get the opportunity.
The Seattle library is a very cool building as well. I love Boston's library partly because of the mix of the classical / original building and the addition that is in the modern glass style like this (but not nearly as large).
Glad you made it up to Seattle. Along with Portland and SF, one of the gem-cities of the West Coast. And since we've been so dry and warm out here this winter you may have missed some of our trademark gray and dampness ?