Does anyone else find it unbelievable that we/people are made to find something that interests them (or not) get a job and work for the rest of our lives at that profession? What happened? Is our culture just obsessed with stuff and "keeping up with Jones'" that we have to work to support our habit of continuously purchasing things we don't need? I try not to buy a whole bunch of stuff I don't necessarily need and just enjoy the company of other people but there's some really awesome gadgets out there I want to play with!
I had a hard time figuring out what to try and do with my life that I thought would make me happy for the rest of it. I finally figured it out about a month ago and have set myself on a path. I'm excited not because I'll eventually get paid for it, but it'll be something I'll be proud of.
I guess it all depends on the person. I like to buy movies to watch, I like to buy toys and cameras and gadgets to play with. Could I live without all that crap? Yeah, but to me it'd be a boring existence.