- on rlei's photo
- on bae's photo
- on luie's post on scarfman's page
- on sashabrink's blog post
- on angelahelena's post on scarfman's page
- on scarfman's status update
long day of shooting that wouldn't end... little note: "hey shoot that, oh and shoot that too and come over here and shoot those people" is not producing... it's a adhd rabbit on crack.
here and gone, here and gone... never seem to be able to stay too long
. hope everyone is well. busy year, had a photo business and a dance theatre company to run. never seem to get by enough. miss it.

funny, so it looks like i'm only posting one a year or something silly... just busy and not much time... in toronto right now just did a 500 mile road trip up on a motorcycle... great ride, although i got ticket in pennsylvania early on kind of slowed me down a bit...
love the bike, just got it in march... already but 6600 miles on...
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love the bike, just got it in march... already but 6600 miles on...
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back after a long while... busy, doing too much... trying to run dance theatre company with my wife while pushing the photography... lots of work, work is good... just need it to make some money... kind of a sad state of affairs ... hope everyone has been well...

hi all, sorry i've been gone so long... just got busy. just had my reception for my photo show at a place called bella photo art in edgewater, md. show's up until the end of december so if anyone is in the area come check it out
. trying to do the dance theatre and photography thing... going well, just lots to to... hope everyone...
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Sorry I didn't thank you sooner. I really appreciate the comment on my "Chateau Laroche" set. Happy Holidays
finally quit the day job! gonna do the full time photography and theatre/dance thing and see what happens. a little scared, a little worried, but you never know if you can fly until you jump, right?
up in toronto for a week. cold as shit.
up in toronto for a week. cold as shit.
Hey you!
Thanks for the awesome set comment! I'm glad you liked it!
Thanks for the awesome set comment! I'm glad you liked it!
hi all, been way too long. a little bit of a hiatus. busy as all get out. doing lighting design for three shows the last two weeks. still doing shoots. loving the dance photography, but realized i have to do some more standard crap to make some cash.
my fiance and i have finally gotten our dance-theatre company going. we are rehearsing right now for...
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my fiance and i have finally gotten our dance-theatre company going. we are rehearsing right now for...
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