ok i admit the last post was odd but honestly i am fustraited with everyone suddenly leaving SG and all the name calling and Cat fighting.
it is confusion to the enth power! and when your in pain and stressed out it aint good at all.
I'm not too sure on the direction SG and the SG community are going. Doesn't seem quite so layback and fun anymore. But hey, what do I know?
See what happens when I go MIA for just a bit?
I mean, Not that being a Redhead doesn't have its advantages (wouldn't know a THING about that...) But The BLUE!
If someone were to ask me what I think of this place right now? I would just tell them not to worry cause all good things come to an end...(Sendin em out 2x2 now...I wonder if 'Moo' would work on them?)
Anyhow...Stay Scandi, and I really do like the red too...