You know now that i think about it . you can't make every one happy can you.? even if i could i would rather not.
the hell with it! Pity trip not on your life. i really dont give a rats arse what people think. i only know what i feel . and right now i am fighting many different emotions. Depressed? yes i am but then again i think most people would be if they had there doctor tell them surgery or 10 years left. yes surprise surprise thats what i am dealing with.
yeah we all die someday dont we . maybe thats why i am not posting pics you think?
it isnt fun when you want to have a life , get out and do stuff ect. and you are so zombied by meds your lucky to stay awake 6 hours at time. honestly i'm pretty mad. there is only a very small handfull of people in my life who even understand what i am dealing with. to them i say thank you and I love you.
just right now i really dont need to have people tell me i am lazy and good for nothing because i totally am not anywhere like that at all. and it really pisses me off that some people, including my family, think that.

lol Ode to Joy is the last movement in Bethovens 9th Symphony. It is also the anthem of the European Union.