Interesting weekend for me (as you know my weekend is thurday-friday with the extra sunday as a holyday) Feeling creative which is good, got a virus which is bad, Shin is visiting the kids. and that makes me happy and a bit lonely at the same time.
(sigh) currently i'm feeling just numb , i guess that's a good thing for me. i have decided to stay home today, not go anywhere and rest up. wiether i will be allowed that luxury is anyones guess.
oh now i see something funny in the news, Bush is called for jury duty in texas, hmm if i was a criminal, whould i ask for a mistrial?
THINGS that make you go HMMM.......

oh now i see something funny in the news, Bush is called for jury duty in texas, hmm if i was a criminal, whould i ask for a mistrial?


Things that make me go "Bump!" in the night...