I think I have rattled you long enough,
But tell me are you strong and tuff?
To stand up for whats right and best,
Or are you a sheep just like the rest?
While ignorance and hatred breed,
Are you bold enough to interceed?
with your hurtful words do you provoke?
and get upset when we wont accept your joke?
Tolerence for others you need...
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But tell me are you strong and tuff?
To stand up for whats right and best,
Or are you a sheep just like the rest?
While ignorance and hatred breed,
Are you bold enough to interceed?
with your hurtful words do you provoke?
and get upset when we wont accept your joke?
Tolerence for others you need...
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If you are deeply distrubed by abuse please don't read any futher :
this happened in the next town over .
2 Starving Children Found; Family Held
Their mother and grandmother allegedly kept them in a locked Carson City bathroom.
From Associated Press
CARSON CITY, Nev. The mother and grandmother of two starving children, as well as the mother's boyfriend, have been arrested on...
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If you are deeply distrubed by abuse please don't read any futher :
this happened in the next town over .
2 Starving Children Found; Family Held
Their mother and grandmother allegedly kept them in a locked Carson City bathroom.
From Associated Press
CARSON CITY, Nev. The mother and grandmother of two starving children, as well as the mother's boyfriend, have been arrested on...
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People are sick.
Every day I'm amazed at how horrible human beings can be. Its just insane. Just last night I read about a young russian who was in the military and had been murdered during some sick initiation rite. he had been raped constantly for 24 hours and beaten until he died.

Every day I'm amazed at how horrible human beings can be. Its just insane. Just last night I read about a young russian who was in the military and had been murdered during some sick initiation rite. he had been raped constantly for 24 hours and beaten until he died.
That is just insane, or even evil.
And ty and rofl for your entry in my journal.

And ty and rofl for your entry in my journal.

Yay! the toxins are leaving fast. hurrah. i was worried about working tomorrow but it looks like i'll make it. just dont know how my doctor will survive tho
anyways, i got two days to make 100 dollars in sales can i do it , i think so. so please put out some really good vibes . if i make $500 bucks in sales i...
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Good vibes! GOOD VIBES! I'm sending them!

No kidding!
Good luck.
Good luck.

Yay! the toxins are leaving fast. hurrah. i was worried about working tomorrow but it looks like i'll make it. just dont know how my doctor will survive tho
anyways, i got two days to make 100 dollars in sales can i do it , i think so. so please put out some really good vibes . if i make $500 bucks in sales i...
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Wow! i still have people on my friends list after that last rant. i am truely amased.
yesterday i had a very very bad reaction to one of my meds, Hydroclorothiazide, my face swelled up to where my lip split. and i felt extremely agitated. it may take a week to get over it. and get it out of my system. none the less i'm...
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just a little addition to the above, i am currently sleeping this off a bit dont worry i'm ok but it's like having a bad allergic reaction. it takes a bit to snap out of it
just know i care about all of you and send you my warmest wishes.
p.s. Shinobi, is the couch empty i needs a snuggle nap.

Thanks for the lovely comment on my set!

You know now that i think about it . you can't make every one happy can you.? even if i could i would rather not.
the hell with it! Pity trip not on your life. i really dont give a rats arse what people think. i only know what i feel . and right now i am fighting many different emotions. Depressed? yes i am...
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lol Ode to Joy is the last movement in Bethovens 9th Symphony. It is also the anthem of the European Union.

Oh man i blew it again!
grr I wish just once i could stay awke long enough on my days off.
i wish i wasn't so exhausted . grrr! good thing my hon is so forgiving of my disabilitys. but still, i wish i could spend the day with him . it's not like i dont get any sleep
grr I wish just once i could stay awke long enough on my days off.

I wish I could come out there!
Oh man i blew it again!
grr I wish just once i could stay awke long enough on my days off.
i wish i wasn't so exhausted . grrr! good thing my hon is so forgiving of my disabilitys. but still, i wish i could spend the day with him . it's not like i dont get any sleep
grr I wish just once i could stay awke long enough on my days off.

ahh sweet relaxation!
sitting here chatting with my sweetie, doing a few things in poser and basically chilling out.
sitting here chatting with my sweetie, doing a few things in poser and basically chilling out.

Hey, thank you so much for the sweet comment on my set! I'm happy you enjoyed it.

well another day yet another dollar , hey be proud of me i have worked two days in a row and plan to go to work today .
I know to most of you that isnt a big deal but to me it is. managed to get a couple of sales in as well so that will make the boss man happy.
as for my...
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Nice to hear things are lookin up for you