The Scandal Scouts Guide to Picking Up Chicks
Chapter One
Step 1: Lean forward and yell in her ear "Baby, you dance like Riff Randall!"
Step 2: Smack her ass.
Now, there are two possible outcomes to this technique:
Outcome #1: She yells back "Who the hell is Riff Randall?" What the shit were you thinking trying to pick up a chick who doesn't know who Riff Randall is? Have you no taste? Shame on you!
Outcome #2: She squeals and you go earn yourself some merit badges. There isn't a chick worth her salt who wouldn't be flattered by that. Scandal Score!
Now go test it out.
Kiss kiss,
//Scouts out.
Chapter One
Step 1: Lean forward and yell in her ear "Baby, you dance like Riff Randall!"
Step 2: Smack her ass.
Now, there are two possible outcomes to this technique:
Outcome #1: She yells back "Who the hell is Riff Randall?" What the shit were you thinking trying to pick up a chick who doesn't know who Riff Randall is? Have you no taste? Shame on you!
Outcome #2: She squeals and you go earn yourself some merit badges. There isn't a chick worth her salt who wouldn't be flattered by that. Scandal Score!
Now go test it out.
Kiss kiss,
//Scouts out.
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