Tool absolutely rocked! Coolest damn show I've been to in years, and the girl I took was also very cool (Kool, even). Truly phenomenal players and a truly phenomenal show. I particularly like the way that rock cliches have no place in their performance; no member of the band ever rises above his component, no solos, no soloists, and no spot lights. No between-song-banter, just the occasional "thank you for sharing this experience with us" sorta' thing. I was also very amused by the way Maynard avoided using the hackneyed "Hello Oakland!" but still managed to stir the crowd up early into the first set, He said in a carefully controlled, almost monotone voice, "When we woke up this morning, the schedule said we were in Oakland. Are we in Oakland?" When the crowd's response was less than stellar he simply continued, "It doesn't sound like we are in Oakland." Heh, pretty funny, but you had to be there. And if you weren't, it sucks to be you. :-)
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