Main Entry: withdrawal
Pronunciation: -'dro(-&)l
Function: noun
Date: 1749
1 a : the act of taking back or away something that has been granted or possessed b : removal from a place of deposit or investment c (1) : the discontinuance of administration or use of a drug (2) : the syndrome of often painful physical and psychological symptoms that follows discontinuance of an addicting drug <a heroin addict going through withdrawal>
Pronunciation: -'dro(-&)l
Function: noun
Date: 1749
1 a : the act of taking back or away something that has been granted or possessed b : removal from a place of deposit or investment c (1) : the discontinuance of administration or use of a drug (2) : the syndrome of often painful physical and psychological symptoms that follows discontinuance of an addicting drug <a heroin addict going through withdrawal>

So this means I should finally try sushi and go to Japan, no? It would have been done already but if it weren't for my fear of doing something perfectly legal here that is perfectly asking to be caned, there, then I'd be there. Alas, I am not. So if you go to Cuba please give me an update.

careless, hmm, not like eating sushi, nope. wreckless behavior like indecent exposure and whatnot!