In pursuit of a good time.

It's kinda crazy, the way things work out.

I didn't have high-hopes, so I wasn't disappointed. In truth, the dancing was fun. Healthy interpersonal relationships with members of the opposite sex continue to seem like something one can only read about in books, however. And, now that I think about it, those books are pretty damn rare, too.

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where's my monkey? I had him here a second ago. he disappeared at approximately the same time as my beer. Is there a connection? Only the shadow knows. Granted, it's not as if I was really short on beers tonight, or whiskies for that matter... feels good. After spending all that time in the emergency room with my grandfather, it was nice to hang out...
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If you are decapitated, how can you speak?
I don't know what attracts me to this sort of thing. It's like I'm two different people: one that feels and reacts, and another that thinks and moves slowly. Which one made this decision? And the next? Energy spent is energy wasted? Conservation preserves what? The future? Or the past?
Just now as I'm sitting here, I can see out my window the tops of some nearby trees, amongst which stretches a single strand of a spider's web. I can only see it by virtue of the setting sun's angle as it illuminates the reflective fibers and it is an amazing thing. As it is pulled alternately taught and then let slack from the wind...
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my heart is like a bowl of jello shots
turpentine and tobasco
strips of flesh stripped from the heels of my foes
fine finally I wager the sins of the collective make bread
oh yeah baby, oh yeah
'tis like a symphony of rotting flesh
fish of all sorts and color
raining down upon the linoleum tiles of your bathroom
pitter patter
whole wheat enthusiasm...
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fresh vegetables. god help me, there is nothing quite like fresh vegetables straight from the garden. the zucchini... mmmmm... the crooked neck squash... aaaaahh... a little olive oil, fry it all up in a pan, add some rice and a few spices: heaven. Delicious and nutritious. Chase it down the gullet with one or two glasses of good lager, and it's just like that. Nuthin...
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foggy brain... drank many beers... party... wasn't in bed by 2 so I came home... fun, though...
Tool absolutely rocked! Coolest damn show I've been to in years, and the girl I took was also very cool (Kool, even). Truly phenomenal players and a truly phenomenal show. I particularly like the way that rock cliches have no place in their performance; no member of the band ever rises above his component, no solos, no soloists, and no spot lights. No between-song-banter, just...
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work, work, work, just got home and it's 11:00 already, Considering that I was swimming at 7:30 this morning, that's a pretty long day. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I will be getting paid for my toil, (well, not the swimming part, that's my nickel) and that's what it is all about after all, money. Called Meredith. My crush is officially over. You'd think...
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Another hot one, but the fog's rolling in. I understand the city is enveloped (The coldest winter of my life was a summer in San Francisco. Mark Twain). Novato, on the other hand, gets plenty hot in the summer. The burnt and wilted hydrangeas outside my back-door are testimony to that, and I watered them this morning before leaving for work. Oh well, they'll grow...
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brutally hot today. I just checked the thermometer outside my kitchen window and it read 38, and it seems cooler here than it was in Kentfield, where the GPs live. Cooler even than in SF where I picked up my visa at the Chinese Consulate today. Woo Hoo! But that trip's not 'til September. Arrived at exactly 12:07 and they close for lunch at exactly...
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the guy we hired to provide in-house care for my grandparents seems to be working out. Tomorrow an alternate care-giver comes, a lady from Ethiopia whose name sounds like Tech One and whose initials are, evidently, TK. The GPs already look a hell of a lot better. It's scary how easily things like hygiene can get forgotten, not to mention whether or not meds have...
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were your tickets 300 grand a piece like the arizona tool tickets? just who do they think they are? oh wait... they're tool....2 tickets please