set goes up in a few days
verrrry excited.
toronto - what is with all this shite weather?
i think i am getting a new hole in the face tonight! wooo vert labret. i'm super stoked for that.
so, this is a question for those who have koodo... does it suck shit for you too? or just me... hmmm...
i need SG technical help... i emailed them once and they sent me a solution. i replied saying that didn't work and they send me the same solution again!!! can someone help me, or direct me in the way of help that won't give me the same bloody answer? it would be MUCH appreciated.

toronto - what is with all this shite weather?
i think i am getting a new hole in the face tonight! wooo vert labret. i'm super stoked for that.
so, this is a question for those who have koodo... does it suck shit for you too? or just me... hmmm...
i need SG technical help... i emailed them once and they sent me a solution. i replied saying that didn't work and they send me the same solution again!!! can someone help me, or direct me in the way of help that won't give me the same bloody answer? it would be MUCH appreciated.