Nothing at all to report.
wanting for a retort
all in good sport
Guess I'll CUT it short
and Snort!
another moldy oldy.
wanting for a retort
all in good sport
Guess I'll CUT it short
and Snort!

another moldy oldy.
My eye? I had a stye that didn't go away on it's own. After so long, the fluid build up becomes too hard to drain on it's own and they had to cut open my eyelid from the inside to remove the build up in there. It sucked. And the real kicker is IT'S STILL NOT BETTER! My lower right eyelid has been enflamed since late October. Awesome.
My b-day was fun. I decided I was going to MAKE everyone come out and celebrate me. It's pretty vain, but we all have one day a year to be cocky asses. I just happen to do it 365 days a year. Eh.
Consider yourself lucky you have some snow out there, the season here is wrapping up and our mountains have been closed for months due to no snow.