well the last few days have been pretty good. got a fake bonzai tree to put in my gecko's cage, and she's loving it.
sucks though, because now i need to buy her a new heat lamp :-(
oh well, soon she'll have a sister in there. probably going to get one for my b-day :-D
well, work is going well. not too many complaints there, other than the fact that i have to work from 2 to 10 on mothers day...
im going to try to start hanging out with some of my old party friends...i miss that life...getting off work, going to a friends house and just getting trashed...im still young, and dammit, im going to get into it again. lol
man, i wish they'd add a cow to the smily face thing. :-(

sucks though, because now i need to buy her a new heat lamp :-(
oh well, soon she'll have a sister in there. probably going to get one for my b-day :-D
well, work is going well. not too many complaints there, other than the fact that i have to work from 2 to 10 on mothers day...

im going to try to start hanging out with some of my old party friends...i miss that life...getting off work, going to a friends house and just getting trashed...im still young, and dammit, im going to get into it again. lol
man, i wish they'd add a cow to the smily face thing. :-(