well, life is good. gotta 97 average in my accounting class.....still have my job. my dumb ass friend finally paid me back the 60$ he owes me... and i'm on vacation from work; just taking a paid three day vacation, nothing big. not going anywhere this time, although eventually, hopefully soon, me and my buddy Will are going to go camping up into the mountains... should be fun; i wonder if he's ever been hiking :-D maw-hahahaha.....that's the one thing i hate about where i live; it's flat as fuck. I have friends around here who get an asthma attack if they walk up a hill. it's sad. back when i lived in California, my family and I use to go to the desserts (joshua tree and death valley) and camp out. Man those were good times. we actually went back a few years ago; i almost got stung by a killer bee, and my dad almost got bit by a rattlesnake in the middle of NOWHERE. it would have taken us a while to get him back to the jeep, and then probably two hour drive to get to civilization. lol, needless to say, it was quite fun. (he didn't in fact get bit; just came close. that's what he gets for exploring old, dark gold mines.) but yes; i can't wait to get back into the mountains. in the meantime, im going to relax, and hang out with friends; anyone around HR want to chill this weekend?
thank you