finally have a picture of my leopard gecko to post...
yes, that is Anubis. my girlfriend got her for me for valentines day, and before i knew how to tell her sex, I named her Anubis. (turned out to be a girl, but i kept the name). she's friggin awesome; she'll eat the meal worms right out of my fingers, and she goes NUTS when i put some crickets in her tank. she's awesome chill enough to just hang out on my shoulder while i read or just content to climb all over my bed. lol
anyways, i just got off work, and have to be back early tomorrow. im feelin pretty hi
gh right now, so im going to relax, and get some much needed ZZZZzzzzzzzzz..........
yes, that is Anubis. my girlfriend got her for me for valentines day, and before i knew how to tell her sex, I named her Anubis. (turned out to be a girl, but i kept the name). she's friggin awesome; she'll eat the meal worms right out of my fingers, and she goes NUTS when i put some crickets in her tank. she's awesome chill enough to just hang out on my shoulder while i read or just content to climb all over my bed. lol
anyways, i just got off work, and have to be back early tomorrow. im feelin pretty hi