remember how i went hiking on thursday? well, that night i found a fucking tick on my knee....all my life, i have been careful not to get ticks (i love the outdoors; i go there often), and the one time i don't even think about it, i get one. pried that fucker off, and torched it; it actually made a pop noise too.
other than that, my back hurts. work sucks. and they want me there at 6 am tomorrow. i say nuts to that; ive always worked 8-4 when i work mornings. i have a hard enough time waking up to get to work on time at 8. if that new manager thinks im going to change my schedule like that after 3 years, she has another thing coming. lol wow, im just full of complaints today
hmmmm...on the good side of things....uuh...i cleaned my bong? lol
this is spyro, my smoke breathing
oh, and i got a 21 kill rampage last night on halo 3...(yes, im a gamer; 360 gamer tag: Scadivey ADD ME :-) )
that is all. :-)
other than that, my back hurts. work sucks. and they want me there at 6 am tomorrow. i say nuts to that; ive always worked 8-4 when i work mornings. i have a hard enough time waking up to get to work on time at 8. if that new manager thinks im going to change my schedule like that after 3 years, she has another thing coming. lol wow, im just full of complaints today
hmmmm...on the good side of things....uuh...i cleaned my bong? lol
this is spyro, my smoke breathing
oh, and i got a 21 kill rampage last night on halo 3...(yes, im a gamer; 360 gamer tag: Scadivey ADD ME :-) )
that is all. :-)
fucking awesome lol i'll def have to come visit
lol well i gotta wait for the photographers to send em my way......then you'll get to see em <3