Hi Guys!
Time for another blog homework post :) Obviously going to tag @missy @rambo and @lyxzen.
This one is about sharing the fun facts about London :) I live on the outskirts of London soooooooooo I'm gonna take about the center of London where the magic happens ^.^
Isn't this picture simply stunning?
Fun fact #1 - London is beautiful at night! I love driving through London at night - it's extremely beautiful to see all the landmarks all lit up!
Fun fact #2 - The history of London....... oh the wonderful amounts of gory bloody history ^.^ I adore listening to documentaries about executions, great London fires, parliament blow up jobby, killer of 5 prostitutes......... (ya catch my drift!) I'm proud to say that I rode through Fleet Street and got shudders just in case Mr Todd came after me with a shaving knife :)
Did you know that when someone was executed with whatever the method they wanted to use that day - the criminal would have their head decapitated (if they didn't use the old axe or if you were a royal - a swooshy swooshy sword!) and shove your poor head on a pole in the middle of the town to warn you that if you got into trouble THIS would happen to you........ if public executions weren't enough.......... they will be laughing at you even when your head is stuck on top of a pole -.- I lose faith in humanity sometimes!
That's all I can think of considering I'm on the outskirts!
Live Long and Prosper x