K im bored again and look at this, im actually updating more than once a month. SAW is the best movie i have seen in a long time go see it, im pissed cuz BARS canceled all their west coast tour dates, what the fuck? on a side note according to Steve-o from SLC punk im a poser for falling in love with a girl, whatever, i love her and i would do anything for her so fuck you steve-o. okie dokie, there has been so much weird shit happening in lately and it all started on halloween, the only conclusion i can draw is that the earth is shifting at a wicked rate and everyone is in a funk or maybe theres something in the water i dunno but its fuckin weird. I hate drugs i dont even drink cafine or take tylenol but i seriously think there are some people out there that just need to roll a fat joint and relax, people take shit so seriously sometimes and they just need to realize that however bad they think their life is, theres always someone out there with it way worse, sometimes those people are the ones you know and love * cough cough, Mike*..... and that was my random rant, on that note i leave everyone with this... there are no bad cards in life, only bad flops. you choose every hand weather you want to play or fold and if you fold you have no chance of winning, if you play there is a chance and in the end you might actually have the best hand, i hope people understand that, tootles kids, keep it real.