update time again suckas, forgot about SG world for a while, sorry. lets see, ive been sick twice in the past month, no bueno but im gettin better, i have been to a crap ton of shows the best of which being The Bronx (the singer gave me and jeremy a hug in the pit, sweet), Mantis, great hardcore band from the 909, Bullets and...
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holy shit its been almost a month and two tatoo session since my last update? jesus, but hey its not like anyone reads this anywho. new stuff: tatoos, job, new band, shoes, jeans, and i think thats it. lately i have seen Cadillac Tramps, Dirty Power, The Livingstons, Youth Brigade, Chanel 3. all great bands and fucking awesome shows. i am satisfied. leave a goddamn...
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whats up bitches, hope everyone had a good christmas and what not, freakin sweet here got some money, clothes dvds and things of that nature, got 5 hours of tatoo done, its super detailed and looks pretty sick i will have some pix up here in the next day or so, so until then, buh bye
So what dvd did you get and from who? i smell monsters of metal. do i get the sneak preview of the tattoo? Mark should have given you a discount for the wink wink see ya tomorrow
jaime gomez is hot eeek
another random night, coyotes in the street howling like crazy and some random girl tonight asked me if i believe in god and got all sad when i told her i didnt. Partied with the sister whos in town this week and that was awesome. I gave some mardi gras beads to a cop and helped some dude find his shoe. Other than that its...
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hello everyone, no excitment really, went to see the old roomates and others up in Santa Barbara that was fun, got to surf with Mr. Fast and Furious himself Paul Walker, nice fellow that Paul Walker. Lets see... girls are fuckin confusing, just when you think you got one figured out you realize you are like Stevie Wonder in the louge, you dont have a...
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ahhh hello there, i return again im done being sick now which is swell. Other than that same ol shit, still job hunting and still getting tatooed, still looking for a band to play with, i miss you luke and Jason (old band,Neverdown). being an insomniac really isnt fun, you'd be suprised at the shit you do between the hours or 2:00 and 6:00am to...
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fuck me, i missed the show last night due to an evil sickness that made me feel like shit all day. I was however assured by my friends that " if you stopped being a bitch and got over your drug paranoia you could be fine". I hate drugs, id rather be sick than take pills am i totally alone on this one?
And its time for another update, not that anyone is going to read this or comment on it but what the hay? Anywho not a whole lot new, hope everyone had a great thanksgiving, my family doesnt do much so i spent most of the day/night at the bars with some friends. Went and saw Mark Jackson (action tatoo) today and we are gonna start...
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yeah bitches, saw rise against last night in LA, fucking sweet, everytime they do not dissappoint, unfortunatly they played with Bad Relegion so i was forced to sit through half of BR's set. At this show last night i realized something... jock punks fucking suck, almost everyone there last night was there to see Bad Relegion and it was all the fucking muscle heads that...
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monkey shit fights! oh lord that's priceless smile
Alright kids, as promissed i got some pix up here(in my pic section) of my right arm that is finally done after 3 months and somewhere around 18 hours. I start my other arm on next week so that will be fun, ill get some pix of that up here too. alrighty then im off to the gym, see ya all later and hope to...
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