The King is back, where my crown at?
How you been SG world?
Me? I've been feeling fucking awesome lately!
This winter in Kansas City so far has been a joke, so I'm sure that is helping out as well (been in the upper 60's a couple days the last week)
I'm so disconnected to mindless dramatics now as well (which I always was minus the last 9 months)
Now if I'd only quit feeling so lazy ll the time.
Missouri vs Kansas basketball game tonight..#4 vs has my city hyped the fuck out.
This is the biggest meeting between the 2 teams in almost 20 years (rankings wise).
I will be out being my usual yelling,drunken mess watching the game tonight..stay clear Jayhawk fans
M-I-Z Bitch!

And no crying Amberetta
And then tomorrow...WE HAVE THE SUPER BOWL
Personally, I don't give a fuck about either team...but I LOATHE THE PATRIOTS AND TOM BRADY
I guess I'm a Giants fan for the game *cringe*
If Brady wins, something will get assure.
Hopeful we get another one of these moments..

Which will lead to this...

Been trying to figure out when I'm going to visit Tigermouth and Minxxy. Looking like probably sometime in the Spring. I'll be looking forward to that until it happens. I definitely expect to see my other Cali friends while out there (ahem Sickgirl78,Nene,Issue_,Spazzing)
Really want to go to this festival as well, anyone want to join? (No way in hell would I be sober longer than 12 minutes at this thing)

Then I leave you with some of my favorite tunes currently.
Leave a mafucca some love,hate,frustration,pleasure,breakfast..
How you been SG world?
Me? I've been feeling fucking awesome lately!
This winter in Kansas City so far has been a joke, so I'm sure that is helping out as well (been in the upper 60's a couple days the last week)
I'm so disconnected to mindless dramatics now as well (which I always was minus the last 9 months)
Now if I'd only quit feeling so lazy ll the time.
Missouri vs Kansas basketball game tonight..#4 vs has my city hyped the fuck out.
This is the biggest meeting between the 2 teams in almost 20 years (rankings wise).
I will be out being my usual yelling,drunken mess watching the game tonight..stay clear Jayhawk fans
M-I-Z Bitch!

And no crying Amberetta
And then tomorrow...WE HAVE THE SUPER BOWL
Personally, I don't give a fuck about either team...but I LOATHE THE PATRIOTS AND TOM BRADY
I guess I'm a Giants fan for the game *cringe*
If Brady wins, something will get assure.
Hopeful we get another one of these moments..

Which will lead to this...

Been trying to figure out when I'm going to visit Tigermouth and Minxxy. Looking like probably sometime in the Spring. I'll be looking forward to that until it happens. I definitely expect to see my other Cali friends while out there (ahem Sickgirl78,Nene,Issue_,Spazzing)
Really want to go to this festival as well, anyone want to join? (No way in hell would I be sober longer than 12 minutes at this thing)

Then I leave you with some of my favorite tunes currently.
Leave a mafucca some love,hate,frustration,pleasure,breakfast..
I can't wait for you to visit!
Nice Mizzou win. Though about ya. Electric Forest is a go with quite a few of my friends so I'll be motherfuckin there. As if you didn't have enough reasons to go. And way to have NFC loyalty despite the fact that pussy ass Eli took out our Pack. Miss you bruh. Forreal. Computer purchase is happening tonight. Stay tuned. Also, I guarantee that kings never misplace their crown.