Heidi came and she is gone. That was a very interesting week. I am not the type that falls in love in like two minutes. We dated 5 years ago and i think she thought that i was going to want to jump back in. I am unable to maintain a relationship for one simple reason. I need to finish my masters. It is the most important thing to me. It is a little sad to see her go, but i had to do it.
This was her text "I don't care your rude. Ego is way too big. No affection at all. Your loss not mine".
She is correct, it was my choice. Now back to my life of writing papers.
This was her text "I don't care your rude. Ego is way too big. No affection at all. Your loss not mine".
She is correct, it was my choice. Now back to my life of writing papers.
This is your life.